
I really doubt the airline industry wants the government advocating that potential customers choose the "other means".

@chickennakatsu: Of all the comments where someone says they're gonna react in some overtly sexual manner as a joke, and the joke is really over done at this point, yours has been the only one that is actually funny.

I think everyone interested in this topic should review how one of the most security-conscious countries in the world handles airport security: Israel.

@TwinIon: Cool, that's what I was looking for, because I know heard how Israeli security was done on the radio some time ago, probably NPR. That article is pretty consistent with what I remember.

@bdinger: They'll just argue you have the X-ray option. And then you can make the same religious argument. Then you'll be surrounded by crowd of TSA agents and police officers and you'll argue yourself out of the airport.

@jethro1138: This comment should be promoted. Seeing as how Israel is well-known for its security measures, can you explain exactly how airport security is different there?

@Peppermint: I'm pretty sure that's a field of crab grass.

@tomqvaxy: It will be circumvented in that case

Part of the one-way mission should be that it's also filmed as a reality show. The most popular reality the world or... solar system

@traumamama: Sounds more like you're complaining that you can't afford the option to fly, rather than the principle that these security procedures have become entirely too invasive. Sorry that you haven't had a vacation, but not having a vacation for 2 years doesn't qualify you to judge an increasingly loud complaint

@PaintedTrollop: And what I fear is that once enough of us demand that we not be treated as suspected criminals just for wanting to fly and they actually change their procedures to something more reasonable, there will be a terrorist "incident" shortly thereafter, and we'll have a bunch of nutjobs saying "We told you

Gameplay seems Serious Sam inspired... that's a good thing.

@Jamez64: The point is, that also has possible consequences that a lot of people are finding unacceptable.

Charger left sparking

@Zadkiel: Ok, so if I swap some words around and state "If you no longer care for good customer service and don't mind your family being groped by strangers as part of the 'privilege' you paid for, just keep playing along with whatever rules are imposed upon you" would that make be more acceptable to you?

@Buickboy92: all the Gawker sites occasionally post an article that is bit outside the usual MO and usually such an article is related somehow or the editors know that most of the readers will somehow appreciate it. If I don't care to see a particular article, in line with the MO or not, I'll just skip it.

@thevegetable: I always arrive at the airport with time to spare and I'd gladly give up 5-10 minutes, or more, for someone to protest this infringement, basically on my behalf, like this. We shouldn't be treated like suspected criminals, without probable cause, just to fly anymore.

@Jamez64: If you no longer care to be free, just keep playing along with whatever rules are imposed upon you.