
@alan505: they need to rename themselves "Harbor Freight — The Disposable Tool Company"

@M4rkyM4rk: Maybe the 3m bra is on order and he decided to participate at the last minute... or maybe it's latest popular mod on on the worst 'vette forum. Ugly, but perhaps it's not a bad temporary idea.

I grew up next to San Carlos and had no idea there was a warehouse of full of cool in that town. Hopefully the damage was overall fairly minimal.

That's not "spontaneous plasticity" they're seeing — it's The Tingler and it will kill us all!!

@battra92: If you really want to try one, still pick one up and split it with a friend to work within your calorie limits.

This sounds like a great idea if I were to cook the turkey myself, but I'm pretty lazy, so I've arranged to fly my mom home instead.

@Kimrod: The KFC doublelicious is super tiny compared to how it looks in the photos. In reality, it's more of a finger food.

I know a lot of people who like the JITB tacos as they are. The rest is pretty expected but the McDonald's angus burger marketing vs. reality looks like outright fraud.

@phijef: So it would have had to have been an employee, eh?

@MercerCh00x: I'm shocked that so many people still use hotmail. I don't think I know any of them.

Nice. A cartoon of a couple TSA agents looking like drooling pedophiles with rubber gloves and a flashlight and their child-prey being served up by another rubber-gloved agent.

I haven't run a marathon in several years and right now it could only happen in my imagination. This is inspiring!

@Terry: That's exactly what I meant; you misinterpreted my use of rationalization.

@jblues: Nice, Sideshowjblues.

@Terry: This is precisely how I rationalize my food choice when I eat out. I'm guessing this kind of advice is mostly only worthwhile to business professionals or Willie Nelson.

@Yamato: But mutant octo-Stewie would be cool.

@Lorin: Good call.

@1WordUp: Yea I've been there, but because of gall stones, and the dilaudid was on top of morphine, cos the morphine wasn't enough. But after that combo, it was suddenly Ladies & Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Outer Space time.