Yeah, why shold she accept reality? She should tell him he could go to prison, get theee hots and a cot, play some spades and hang out. That’ll keep him on the straight and narrow. Good lord...
Yeah, why shold she accept reality? She should tell him he could go to prison, get theee hots and a cot, play some spades and hang out. That’ll keep him on the straight and narrow. Good lord...
That’s a long way to go to find something to be outraged about. She was trying to give this kid something to fear. Too often, teens don’t think of prison as anything other than a way to gain street cred. She, I think, was explaining that he’s unprepared for what it’s really like. I don’t think much would scare me more…
She was gleeful? Were you in court or did you hear audio? Or are you talking out of your ass?
I agree with almost everything you said. Even one rape is too many. However, most people don’t get raped in prison.
It’s well known. In the federal system, a gay person or one who is effeminant can actually use that as a departure from sentencing. A court can consider the potential for being sexually assaulted as a reason for departing from sentencing guidelines. Problem is, the judiciary has zero control over the corrections…
Judges are not in control of prisons/jails in most states. They decide the sentence and then the department of corrections determine where the person goes and what type of protections are in order, usually after a brief stint in a seperate facility while they’re being classified. Truth is, the place where they are…
If the jury didn’t follow the instructions, sounds like your gripe shouldn’t be with the judge. A judge gives instructions but the jury is free to do whatever they choose.
That amounts to a sexual assault? Really? A sexual assault. A rape. You know, when you conflate someone doing something as creepy as this to a sexual assault you actually are making light of people who are raped. You have one person who says “I was drugged and woke up with him on top of me” and another saying “I know…
Evidence of what? Him engaging in totally legal behavior?
Is she aware that, in the process of filiming him without permission she also filmed all those other people on the street without their persmission. Newsflash: When you’re in public, people can see you. It may be creepy and you can call the guy a creep but he doesn’t need a lawyer because, guess what? He didn’t do…