
In a nutshell:

It’s like Billy Carter, Roger Clinton, and Hugh & Tony Rodham had a baby.

If he and Don Jr. met under different circumstances, I think they’d have been best friends. 

Soooo, this is Billy Carter turned up to 11.

C’mon now. There are plenty of things to criticize Lori Laughlin about but pointing out a 55 year-old woman’s wrinkles in an unflattering photo is hitting pretty low.

You know what I’m so over? Taylor stans who spill out paragraphs of indignation at anything that might possibly, maybe, be construed as the smallest slight.

Yeah, I’ve learned a lot on this site and it has been really helpful for me, a middle aged white guy, to hear a variety of perspectives, but I am getting less and less from this site/these sites each day.  Such a shame.

With the coverage during the 90s I always thought that Charles was at fault and Diana was the wronged party. However, now having read more and watched quite a few documentaries about the British royals, I have a lot more sympathy for him. Yes, he cheated, and was probably the first to cheat. But on the other hand, he

He’s beloved by the “now, now, let’s not be too hasty” and the “what’s all the fuss about?” crowd.

Yeah seriously, I will vote for him if it’s between him and Trump but fuuuuck he is uninspiring and also I still am not entirely sure what he stands for because he’s super vague and has changed his talking points dramatically since getting into this. 

He’s every 70-year-old’s favorite young person.

But the great media faux-pas was admitting to it. The royals pretty much all cheat on each other, and always have. People don’t really care as long they keep up pretenses.

Honestly, no. I’m sure it happens but infidelity seems to be either the cause or consequence of a marital breakdown. I don’t think that’s a good thing. I think it’s a common thing and I don’t particularly feel the need to be aggrieved when someone I don’t know does a common thing.

So sheltered and out of touch.

do you think there’s any point where she would realize the wisdom in cutting off the leg to save the body? like, if he were convicted, her continued support of him could undermine the entire monarchy. or am I just being overly optimistic?

there’s a scene in the newest season of The Crown where a Palace guard runs up to a BBC camera and just puts his hand over the lens. they should have kept that guy on retainer!

The arrogance in that interview was off the charts. Andrew really thought it was going well. And he used his daughter as part of his fake alibi, so gross.

“Or rather, how could the Palace allow him to be so stupid in public?”

His great media faux-pas was admitting there was infidelity during a failing marriage? Isn’t there always infidelity during a failing marriage.

I guess Andrew’s continued existence is proof all those Diana was killed on Philip’s orders conspiracies are false.