
So it was cool to laugh! Awesome, not being gay I was worried that it would offensive to some. But I’m glad - we need diverse comedy that isn’t afraid to take a few risks.

gay-bashing? it was so unequivocally gay, with 2 (or 3, we don’t know her life) queer characters! the joke was never that he was gay! i found it was great representation for us depressed queers who are way too much online

This whole episode was amazing. Harry Styles has great comedic timing, fabulous androgynous fashion, and can wreck me anytime. Yep. I went there. Not sorry - he can.

Slate blames this on censorship

This is the creepiest yet most helpful answer I've ever read in my ten years in this establishment.

At the zoo I used to volunteer at, body disposal kind of depends on the animal and who wants it. A necropsy is performed to confirm cause of death, gather samples and do whatever else they need. After that, if a nearby veterinary school or university wants it, the body was cut into manageable pieces with an electric

It’s one thing to see the misleading NTY’s tweet misquoting him and then firing off angry reactionary tweets, but it’s another to have the full context of his statement and still decide to sit down and write about it and pretend he said something he never said.

People don’t understand what the ACA cost Obama and the Democrats. They had 59 seats (with the Independents) in the Senate and a 79 seat majority in the house. Even with this massive advantage they couldn’t get a public option through the Senate and ended up passing the ACA in the senate with a 50-50 tie broken by Joe

Agreed. I don’t see Obama backing down here, I see him handholding a bunch of wealthy liberal donors whose liberalism is so shaky that the prospect of a tax on even a miniscule portion of their wealth may send them fleeing across the aisle. If cozening these people is the way to keep them in the boat, roll on, Mr.

The Democrats can’t do anything unless they get elected. And not just the White House, because if the GOP still controls the Senate after the 2020 election, Moscow Mitch will block every bill and every judicial nomination that comes along from a Democratic president and Democratic House. From someone living in the

What does this have to do with white people?

Dhonielle Clayton is black, but okay.

In this case, I don’t think not naming the person is another slight. It’s an easily searchable name, but even an apologize is an amplification for someone who doesn’t want a larger profile. Not naming them again is a considerate action here.

Roxane Gay and NK Jemisin, to name two non-white women with privelege, were part of the pile on. The ingroup here is successful published authors.

I have no idea how a creep like Robin Thicke and Thyphoid Jenny McCarthy are on TV right now. They’re both has-beens to begin with, never mind their problematic histories with dating and vaccination. (I mean, Jenny McCarthy IS the face of the anti-vaxx movement).

In January, my dad will be one year into his cancer diagnosis. He recently had a stem cell transplant, and for roughly 100 days afterward (depending on biomarkers), he can’t be around the grandkids, and this has been the hardest part on everyone. My mom has told me has cried about not seeing them, and I know for sure

I shamelessly love the housewives franchises. I don’t watch attentively usually but it’s good background noise and I can get the entire gust dipping in and out while it’s on. Candiace and her horrid mother and dipshit husband were my bridge too far. I can’t and won’t watch while they are on. I’m fine with tawdry

Exactly. And it’s rich to hear Candice calling other people victims when that is absolutely the card she always plays. I can’t STAND her. She never admits to any wrong doing, she’s got some issues and entitlement she needs to address, and she’s basically the WORST. Team Monique all. the. way.

I care in this moment because Britain’s (primarily England’s) inherent racism and xenophobia are on full display in the press’s treatment of Meghan—she’s hated with a passion you’d think would be reserved for *actual* criminal leaders like the current sitting US president or a sexual predator like Prince Andrew. It’s

Because the idea that God has blessed a single bloodline and given it authority over others is ridiculous. Because, particularly wrt the British royal family, it encourages a rigid and unfair class system. There’s also a discussion to be had about the taxes that fund them and the role of royalty in supporting coloniali