
Sorry to disappoint, but those places are not surviving based on just American tourist...

I had to deal with this twat back when I was working at MTV. That was a really hellish time in my life.

He looks like he sells cocaine at the bowling alley. 

I don’t understand these words in the order they’ve been written.

How about you go stick your head in a wood chipper?

You packed an impressive number of errors, factual and otherwise, into those first two sentence fragments.

I assume the challenge in thinking is that there is also a revenge porn aspect. I can think it was bad that she had an affair with a subordinate and also think her ex-husband is a scum bag who should be prosecuted for leaking nude photos of her. But not everyone can hold multiple truths. 

To me it’s is less in how inappropriate it is, and more the fact that she’s resigning while many, many men have held onto positions of power for doing far worse. I applaud her for doing the honorable thing, but also feel sad over the fact that Roy Moore got to stay on the ballot while being a pedophile. She also

My foster brother had a rat named Rizzo. He used to bring it to school and it would sleep in his hood. I'll never forget him dumping the day's collection of turds out onto our driveway every evening.

A woman in one of my Facebook groups just got this. She has had several miscarriages and can’t carry a pregnancy. She actually knows someone with the name the card was signed with so she thought that woman was being a huge asshole for some reason.

The coaches, administrators and assistants all need to be fired.”

Yeah, or at least looking the other way.

This is the worst thing I have read about a school. I cannot understand how a ritual like this is initiated, then becomes culture within a school. The coaches, administrators and assistants all need to be fired. This behavior does not get passed down in isolation without consent from an adult.

Is it a given to anyone else that his out-of-left-field religious zeal is a manifestation of untreated or under-treated bipolar disorder? This seems like a clear example of religious mania; the subject just happens to express it with ungodly amounts of money and no one around him is willing to intervene. Regardless of

Is this a real thing?? Where?? How?? 

Can we dispense with all the “it’s both of them” false equivalences? Amber Heard is no angel nor does she need to be. But no one deserves the treatment Heard is alleged to have gotten from Depp.

Can Depp just go away -__-

That comment was lazy and senseless.

So she desperately wants people to believe her when it comes to a made up condition and quack treatments that are almost certainly making her sicker (and may have killed her father) but not when another woman has a pretty credible accusation of sexual assault?

I am so sorry you had to endure that as a child. Encouraging people to take men seriously as abuse victims and being aware false allegations can be made is not what that comment and others like it represent though. That person clearly didn’t even read the article and chimed in to basically accuse this woman of lying