I think a lot of it is related to a general lack of trust in authority that arose in the 1960s and 1970s between JFK’s assassination (and conspiracy theories), then Watergate culminating in Nixon’s unprecedented resignation.
I think a lot of it is related to a general lack of trust in authority that arose in the 1960s and 1970s between JFK’s assassination (and conspiracy theories), then Watergate culminating in Nixon’s unprecedented resignation.
“I’m not a doctor or a psychiatrist but I’ve spoken with Natalia and I believe her. If you’re asking me if I think she is 30, that’s ridiculous.”
“When is the last time you learned something watching Jimmy Kimmel?”
It’s really hard to get people to become health literate, but I think he explained it in a really approachable way and I hope it helps people understand their options and what this administration’s healthcare defunding will do to their communities.
“There’s nothing crazy going on or anything...”
Everyone references Orphan, but this was also an episode of SVU. Not one of the best, but it was memorable.
In this instance medical abortion is referring to using medication rather than a surgical abortion. The medication is only effective up to a certain point in the pregnancy.
I knew there was going to be a perfect German word and was legitimately asking. Thank you!
You put into words exactly what I was thinking.
Fiona is a nice reminder of how a musician can exist as an authentic being as opposed to most entertainers that function as bottomless corporations. She came on the scene as a young person and has somehow been able to be true and consistent to that sensibility. I admire that.
I would argue that the Tweet you quoted was probably more snarky than the one he deleted.
Somewhere in the Grand Canyon—another natural feature created by the changing tectonic plates beneath North America
Please repeat your last sentence a little louder for the people in the back!
People do care more because she is a little blonde white girl from a European country. At least she is using her influence to do the right thing. Honestly there are Black and Brown kids all over the world fighting for climate change. These people should uplift their voices too rather than tear down this girl.
Thank you.
That is fucking disgusting. Do not do any sort of foot-to-mouth activity in public, especially at a restaurant. These people are awful.
Orphan remains my greatest moviegoing experience. It was just a so-so thriller, but at the big reveal a tween/early-teen girl sitting down the row from us stood up and shouted ESTHER GOT TITTIES at the top of her lungs. It was incredible and probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed in public.
No, but I have seen his penis and I forgot what we were talking about.