
Actually, no, I don’t “wonder why men doubt women’s ability to reason.” Because it would be a gross slander against the entire male gender to say they shared a belief in an easily disproven, illogical and trollish statement, and I think better of men than that.

You know what? It’s possible to do something seriously for an important reason AND also take a selfie.

Oh, I see. This is one of those purity test things. Good for you.

it was amazing

The E! hosts are really managing to take an important and challenging topic and reduce it to the same level as “who are you wearing” ... sigh. But I’ve been enjoying the actress-bringing-an-activist situation!

Woody Allen and Brett Ratner

So who WON’T wear black?

So what if they’re not wearing what you would? They’re making an obvious statement and every abuser in that room will have to hear it.

I have an issue with this because I believe the men in the room would be thrilled if none of the women showed up.

You ignored my point though. Why should the victims skip an event where they’re recognized for their work? And to your point, why do you think any of the known abusers are invited?

Well, to be fair, should the women / victims be the ones who skip being recognized for their work? I get that they make gobs of money but if any of the female actors were harassed on the job, I just don’t see how demanding that they not show up to the awards enacts any kind of justice.

You would prefer sackcloth and fucking ashes maybe? And don’t waste time telling me why you think professional actors should stay away from one of the most visible evenings in their chosen profession.

From the heart - you are one strong woman.

I recently overheard a conversation at my favourite coffeeshop between two graduates complaining about job-hunting. Barrista pointed out they were hiring and grads broke out laughing, embarrassing barrista who grew red in the face. That was my first (so far, thankfully, only) “ugh, millennials” moment.

“Its crazy kids today think they need to sit around waiting for the perfect job to come around.” Are you for real?

You graduated 10 years ago. Things. Are. Not. The. Same. Furthermore I’m tired of people acting like companies should get away with not paying people (esp entry level) a living wage. I have come across so many jobs it would actually cost more in transportation to get to, than the job actually pays. No one expects a

This entire family has used the childhood chant “I’m rubber you’re glue” as their method of relating to one another.

Yes. If you’re spending 8 hours a day, any day, playing with a cat you can be spending 8 hours a day working at a suboptimal job, or even volunteering or interning for your resume or, I dunno, doing some house or yard work for your parents who provide you with free room and board at the age of 24.

The job market is very difficult for youngins right now, and it’s usually not just that they all want a big fancy job right out the gate. A person with that much debt can’t afford to pay it and rent every month on the salaries that are being offered for many of the entry-level jobs being offered. So sure, she could

I have a feeling letter-writer is expecting a high salary right off the bat just because of her degree, and she’s never going to get it without some experience. Instead of using the free rent to do an internship relevant to her field, she’s just sitting around sending resumes to out-of-league jobs and playing with the