
Same. My sister nearly died of an eating disorder about 15 years ago and has recently relapsed, so I admit that my sensitivity on this subject is on a hair trigger, but I fucking hate this woman. I actually think her brand of “fitness” and “health” is specifically tailored to people who already have EDs or are

Oh, Christ. Do you think he vapes with them? I’d be more concerned about a parent who uses xanax regularly than one who gets high on a Saturday night and kicks back watching “Waking Life” or some shit.

Really, Tracy Anderson not targeting the younger, more eating disorder-prone demographic was a missed opportunity until now. I’m so glad that she’ll be introducing a whole new generation to orthorexia. It’d have been a shame if they had to wait until their 20s.

I wondered the same thing. I’m white and not an art expert, so I’m here to listen to what others have to say. I think part of the critique (and others should jump in here) is not just that the artist is white, but that she treated the subject as an object. The photo of Mamie Till, whoever it was shot by, conveys

You know acting is about playing someone who isn’t you, right?

Thanks very much. I’m sorry that others don’t see that some subjects are so impossible to imagine that it’s best to just honor the experience without passing judgment.

I’m seriously struggling to form a civil response to this, but I’ll keep trying in the hopes this can be a teachable moment.

I think a lot of people argue that Affleck is powerful because he has the backing of his brother and Matt Damon. As far as I can tell, his brother is a Hollywood punchline, but Damon is powerful. I don’t know, I also wasn’t that aghast at the accusations. They sounded like garden variety ass hole shit, which is

There is absolutely no room for your rational, “every person has to make her own determination about what is and is not a deal breaker for her” approach on the internet.

No one has a problem with a person exercising his religion. People have a problem when that religion persecutes, harasses, and torments people. It is really that hard to tell the difference? Or is Catholicism the same as the Westboro Baptist Church?

The Fassbender thing has been almost completely dismissed because it seems it really didn’t happen. I don’t have the time to look up the citation, but people have posted the info in several other threads here. False accusations are EXTREMELY rare—I will absolutely acknowledge that. But it seems this one really was

Spoiler alert—look away if you haven’t seen it.

Someone forgot OJ already had a reality show: Juiced.

As Khloe’s bio dad, I sure hope so.

Technically, Pantsuit Nation is/was a secret FB group. You had to be invited by someone already inside.

I mean, it’s as much an awards show as the Puppy Bowl is a sporting event, you know? It’s a conglomerate of radio stations honoring whichever garbage they played most. It’s like if the American Music Awards were more vulgar.

bitch-slapping-Jesus. If this is an original, God bless you.

Having just emerged from the floor after 17 weeks of morning sickness (what. the actual. fuck.), I can say it’s worse than being hungover for the following reasons: there are things that help with hangovers. Greasy food, a lot of Diet Coke, etc. Also, I’ve been managing hangovers for the better part of 15 years now,

Oh, that’s rad. I enjoy current LaMorena.