So a racist cheeto versus Satan himself? I’ll take the cheeto.
So a racist cheeto versus Satan himself? I’ll take the cheeto.
If someone shows up in a firefighter outfit and tell you “I’m dressed as an astronaut” it makes sense to suggest that maybe they don’t know what an astronaut is. This outfit does not resemble the character of Storm at all. It looks more like a punk version of Quicksilver or maybe a photonegative Furiosa.
The Kardashians have long been accused of appropriating black culture. This attempt doesn’t help with disabusing that perception.
It’s insane how she looks just like a freaking image come to life.
Not saying you specifically. Saying that Hillary/DNC should not have rigged the primary. Bern would be up 25 points by now.
I agree it looks cool. It’s an awesome Batman costume or whatever.
having a costume that is 100% accurate isn’t needed but I feel like costumes should look like you have at least seen the character before.
Fucking good. She should resign. It’s appalling that she leaked the questions from CNN, or that she even got them in the first place. And setting aside how stupid it was to leak things in general, she should at least have had the damn tradecraft to do it over the phone and not in a fucking email. And also, apparently…
Should have been Bern. Look what the DNC and Clintonites have done.
Never miss an opportunity to post pics of Alica Marie, fitness model, gamer geek and cosplayer who actually looks like a freaking comic drawing:
I disagree, I think at the right time and place they are fun, especially with flames shooting out the exhaust.
But then again I might be biased, as my smokey profile pic might indicate.
Except it’s dangerous and I’ve seen more than my fair share blow out tires ahead of me on the highway.
Excessive camber is the dumbest thing that car people do. Impound the cars, crush them in a little cube, UPS them to the owner back home and send them a huge bill.
The fact this show is allowed to happen proves that God doesn’t exist. No flood, no tornado or earthquake. Total bullshit.
The official shoe for H2Oi two years running.
I just wonder how sustainable the whole Tesla business model is when it’s not being propped up by state & tax credits, ZEV credits, massive credits and incentives to build new factories, etc. etc.
It is still rolling coal whether it is on a track or on a street. It only exists because A) thousands of rednecks/inbred bro’s do it deliberately because they think it looks cool, and B) people from similar demographic to group A trying to build these in their garages are too stupid/ cheap to do it the right way. I…
I can’t wait for the fade to die. Take extreme camber with it.
Can we stop giving press to coal rollers? Fuck em.