
You’re a douche bag and an asshole! Congrats!

So a racist cheeto versus Satan himself? I’ll take the cheeto.

There is nothing cool about rolling coal. Stop trying.

Fatty spotted

I’m not your guy, buddy.

I ordered my ‘15 WRX without ever driving one.

She’s hideous and has the body type of a linebacker, I’d say he made a good choice.

This is misleading, it’s the same as the packages for the ST. It replaces your factory warranty with a “Ford Performance” warranty that does not cover as much. It wouldbt even cover the cost of an engine on the Focus ST package.

You should also now you won’t have your warranty, as it’s replaced by a Ford Perfomance warranty that doesn’t cover as much.

We found the tiny dick, big truck rolling coal douche!

Did I somehow stumble onto Jezebel? What’s wrong with a guy doing donuts on a empty street?


c5, my insurance went down $20 a month when I traded my WRX in for it.

$60 a month for full coverage on my Z06 isn’t bad at all :)

If you’re going 140+mph you don’t stop. That’s how I haven’t been caught.

The storage on a ST is tiny. I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone iwht ore then one kid. Can’t even fit a golf bag without putting the seats down.

Already onto Mom jokes? You’re losing even more ground.


lolumad, we would’ve been better off if your dad shot an arrow in your head and then posted online for everyone to see.

Must suck to be so wrong all the time.