
You’ve officially cemented yourself as my favorite author on Kotaku since that last loot box article and this one makes me love you more.

Okay, some further editorial.

Loot crates have always been a moral issue that the industry (publishers, devs, journalists, influencers, and whoever else) has mostly ignore or dismissed and that’s incredibly screwed up. Even cosmetic focused crates, which don’t affect gameplay, use specific audio/visual cues and

Playtonic celebrates diversity, yet did the opposite by removing the lines of someone who made a personal remark.

Goddamn, that is a stupid argument.

Also I feel like theres a substantial difference from an employer firing someone for their private/semi public views (I.E. they facebook stalk them and find something, or look up their party affiliation, etc) and someone being let go due to a public appearance.

directly from him during an interview.

Have fun not playing a game you’d otherwise enjoy because its devs don’t want it associated with a racist.

Oh noooooooooo

I wonder if they will replace Jontron’s voice with Nolan North’s.

Good god, the bigot apologists are out in force today.

You can disagree with or even hate somebody and still work with them or include their work, especially when it isn’t a work related problem you have with them.

I think it’s a solid move from their standpoint. They’re selling a game that’s meant to be all-ages. It’s going to draw in people who are nostalgic for Banjo-Kazooie, but also draw in kids who just want to play a colorful platformer.
Playtonic extended the VO offer to JT based on the knowledge that he was a huge Banjo

To be fair, if this person was more honest they wouldn’t have had him do the work to begin with. They are just retroactively making the decision once they found out.

I honestly didn’t even realize that he was going to be in the game (or didn’t remember. And I probably wouldn’t have noticed). But as a backer I’m glad they cared enough to do this.

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.

well next time dont be dumb online

Counter-point: No it isn’t. This is a reasonable repercussion.

Is it too late to back this game

His terrible opinions. Hey-oh!