
My fear is will it be applied as badly as it has been in CA and regulated, written by and administered, again like CA, by people that have no science and engineering background.

Or for those that strongly dislike the side effects of Ritalin and Adderall. I like energy drinks better than any of the amphetamines and other drugs that we got pumped full of when we were younger for ADD/ADHD.

Pfiser is already calling out Pence on that bullshit too because they don’t want anyone to think that Trump/Pence helped when they didn’t

A fellow engineer started a conversation like that veered in chem-trails until the whole group was laughing thinking it was a joke. The problem was he was the only one of us who wasn’t laughing.

We aren’t out of the woods yet. There is still ~2-3 months for Trump&Co to find ways to burn the place to ground on the way out before we can finally start cleaning up this mess

I’m still blown away by how quickly and efficiently an election can even take place in the UK. Seemed like the last one, start to finish with results, was little more than a month in total. We cannot even get through our Primaries that fast. It seems like it is 6-8 months.

Unfortunately, I believe so. Cabinet positions are appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. Assuming I am remembering the process correctly and Google isn’t lying.

I’m already seeing articles about McConnell’s plans to kneecap Biden day one from who he allows in Bidens’s Cabinet and any other nomination. He has basically said that every nominee must be someone McConnell feels is a moderate and willing to work or he will veto them.

944, GTI, RX7, Supra/Celica, 911, maybe a Mustang/Camaro/Firebird, 280ZX turbo, maybe something silly and/or turbo and a bunch of others

With the scary vehicles I’ve seen on the roads I would be more okay with basic safety inspections than emissions. Just this week I say a big Ram truck that had all of the rear brake lines hanging just off the ground waiting to get ripped off. Driver probably has no idea but they really should care since there was also

I think I like it but at the same time I think it could look better. Guess we will see on the 18th if this is going to be a good looking car or not

I wouldn’t go that far. There are far too many religious nutters in CO to put them in the trusted category. Wasn’t there a crazy q conspiracy person running up there too?

That would be all the Reich things

Side tangential rant... This is all the more reason to end the Electoral College. There are 49 other states out there and yet most of the time the candidates spend is in Ohio. Fuck Ohio, a single state should not have that power.

A hearse, just so that they know their place. I’m kidding, mostly

What I’m saying to the New York Times is: hire smart people from less prestigious universities.

Lust is how those things happen. The Porsche and the zygote thing

You mean Don’t show off a good idea (Livewire) that could save the company, let people test ride it and then drop the idea for years while everyone else beats you to market and massively uncuts you on price? I would like to think HD realizes this now but I doubt it

VW Bluesport

LeftHandUtes will sell you one! Based in CO and not exactly cheap but it is US legal