
Still 100% no, it is an excuse

I think we have had this discussion before but I still refuse to believe that emissions and safety requirements are what it truly driving prices up. With the shear number of vehicles that this engineering cost is spread over this is more of an excuse than anything.

I’m intrigued by this idea. I wonder if Jeep has the guts to stick to it

Glad to see someone talking down that shit heel Eric Metaxas

I hope that their skills are better than their taste in burritos

I wish we could. My racing group lost control of their forum because the mod neglected it. We were still active until an update locked us all out. It had been neglected by the mod so long that the whole front page is not longer even supported and the person who could fix/update to fix it doesn’t care enough to even

At the moment this story is literally the only story for me on Jalopnik. The rest of the front page is completely gone

There could be a poll but at least half of us wouldn’t be able to see it because Kinja

All I remeber of this film is “waiting for the chirp chirp chirp” because I know we did not see the whole film. My teacher certifiably crazy so we only watched the parts he liked and sang along to. That was in between his regular trips outside to talk with the birds, yell at other teachers and students and ducking as

No but that is an awesome build. I looked though and I couldn’t find the one I was thinking so I am not sure where I saw it. It was a rougher build that did a lot of auto-x

This reminds me that I saw a Notch/Squareback that someone had modified to have a 911 front suspension. If I find it again I will post it here to share

Wow those are really cool looking!

I have a modest proposal for Mitch and the Republicans... we eat them.

Found another Fascist...

I found the Fascist!

I would like to know that too. MSRP and final sales price rarely align

“You provide too many options charge too much for everything

Max price or not, we do need to call out companies on the insanity of that price

It probably is going to take someone like Hyundai to undercut them and not fall into the same greed trap that is helping to drive up prices. Economies of scale really should be helping keep prices from going so crazy with new technology ans safety requirements but it feels like companies are just using that to

I think that is the other half of an earlier post today where “one in four vehicles on the road today are 16+years old”