
Wow, where did that image for the 914 come from? That would be amazing. Is that just a render because or is Porsche teasing us again?

Ford is doing a fair bit right lately, aside from killing all their small cars. I am excited and sorta hopeful for a truly small truck

I’m waiting to see people in the comments to be screaming “only 100,000 vehicles produced a year. That will never be enough. Cut your losses and kill it now”

Long term focusing on a new Z alone is not the best plan but it can be a part of the current oh shit, have to save ourselves plan if they can pull it off. I strongly argue for the idea of halo cars ie something that drives excitement in people. That excitement for a brand is worth the investment and a new Z can do

It could be that I am from a younger generation but a lot of the rhetoric and actions of the current administration lines up with stories I heard from my grandparents and great grandparents. While I realize that we have not yet reached the level of systematic state sanctioned murder the everyday actions taken by

My point is still that doesn’t change anything. The hybrid system does not change anything that would prevent the use of a manual transmission. Even if Honda/Acura did not put a manual in the NSX version.

Syncing these is a lot easier than you may think. If there were going to be issues you would have already seen them in the NSX. Changing the transmission to a manual or flipping the placement front to rear doesn’t change the end product

Not necessarily. Tech wise there is nothing about this setup that would require ditching the manual

Crazy SLowly Going Am I? Yes

Ah, oh... about that...

That’s great and Jeep should be making better use of that by showing the public that it exists. I want the one that I doubt is there because the FC is probably compromised.

You got my curiosity so I looked and both names are back. The Trailblazer is the ‘cheaper entry level’ version of the two

Sure but I do wish that they would at least sell these vanity projects for a year or two since these are mostly parts bin specials. I expect long term it would have the same effect on the brand as having a cool ‘halo car.’

Nice, now checkout Eric Metaxas. There is a racist assclown clocked in “christianity” for you to take down next

With how forgettable it is we will see. I doubt it will qualify for metric fuckton

The Blazer is already back and it is a sad shell compared to what a Blazer should be. It’s a CUV now

I can only imagine how much dealers will try to ask for a Wrangler with this engine option... a whole lot of $$$$$$$$$

Now I want to see an Agates vs Aggies game for the alliteration. I will get bored pretty fast but thankfully I can go get a drink from Castle Danger or the Thirsty Pagan if I want to make the drive

My thoughts exactly. The car is rightfully upset with the music selection

Flag and dismiss your/our crazy troll. Don’t drag them out of the greys