
If you are feeling wild enough to swap in the Subaru engine why stop there... swap in the subaru transmission too! A company in Australia got that working with a custom ring gear setup

Nah, still in the SW

Sorry, but I won’t state my location because I have a nosy employer and I like my job

Read comprehension, ability to think (at all or critically) zero... dismissed

You must have some truly nice cops. My experience is it is all about the $$$

Not sure about CA, but locally it 100% caused more accidents. Here, we are used to taking a breathe as the light turns green to look for someone to run the red. The camera caused people to slam on their brakes as the light turned yellow. It was bad.

The issue I take with you statement is that no-one had to risk going homeless except for our idiotic policies. It was a choice made for us by the top end of government that has zero empathy or ability to understand how normal people live. The fact that anyone thought a one time $1200 payment would do anything is plain

Following the guidance from this idiot judge, yes

My experence locally says no. I have seen people wearing “phantom of the opera” masks so that they can be “offended” at the store when asked to leave

I currently have a 1999 Tacoma Pre-Runner... I’ll never sell it. It’s pre-computer...

If Indian can get this out in under a decade and still getting it out below 30K they will beat HD hand over fist

Luxo barge... A Jeep or an F150?

That’s a spectacular response

Crap like that still happens. I am dealing with a boss like that right now and having to explain to him that 1. Our design does not do what he thinks it does because 2. He skimmed and did not actually read the weekly reports 3. When asked but it worked in demo when I showed it off. All I can say is we faked it because

If it means dealing with a HD dealership and the people that congregate there then there is no way HD will sell enough 750s to save their walking corpse.

We have “Officer Academies” but any addition training that should be done ends up getting pushed aside because they “were too busy.” Everything from basic CPR on up US cops are “too busy” to bother with training

Exactly. We are shooting ourselves in the foot every time we say that. As well as the fact that this style of cheaper enthusiast car has the same long term effect as halo cars for a brand. Long term it is worth the risk and investment

Check out my responses to others on this because I completely disagree. Thinking this way is shortsighted and, I would argue, part of the thinking that put Nissan into this terrible situation in the first place. Thinking of every single product in a bubble and that it must justify its continued existence solely off

it’s that they won’t sell *enough*

So? That hasn’t stopped others from venturing and keeping cars alive in that market. The idea that cars like this won’t sell or has to turn a massive profit is silly