Is the the market for motorcycles in the US dying or is just those buying HD that are dying (of old age)?
Is the the market for motorcycles in the US dying or is just those buying HD that are dying (of old age)?
Death wish/Life wish... kinda the same thing in the end, right?
I will have to look for unless another Jalop finds it first, but numbers wise there should be more people riding than before.
This slow death is 100% self inflected. HD has done everything they could to make sure that they will not be saved
The first movie will always be my favorite with 5 coming in second.
Considering that was available in Europe before I find that line of logic doubtful. While the US and European standards are different this still just sounds like a throwaway excuse
Try again... Threat and punishment
To be clear I did by it through a Copart auction and not from an individual.It took watching, waiting and a bit of luck to get that good of a deal. I also had the broker I went through inspect the vehicle before the auction.
Said clearer, it is the threat and punishment for something unrelated to their job and does not have any effect on their job performance that is the issue. That is what makes a court case
That is not it at all. It is the assumption based on ANYTHING, in this case a car, about this employee that would be wrong and is protected. As well as to use it as justification to punish the employee is also wrong. And yes, punishment is exactly what that would be.
What sucks for FCA is they know that they have no control over that license and we do not know if it has limits based on country because the licenses is over 70 years old.
Mahindra is not under contract with FCA, Never was and never needed to be. Mahindra owns the licence to build the Willys and FCA is going to loose this fight. That’s why they focused their whole argument only on the “image” of a Jeep with the “7 slot grill” that FCA does have copyrighted.
Yes, dirt cheap. I bought a 2 year old Forester that was totaled out for hail damage for $6K. Put in another $2k to replace all the broken glass, new tint and replace the sunroof for a perfectly drivable golf ball looking car.
Again, not really. You are bring up an EJ powered car. For the money this guy has the newer FA motors will do fine. No one should be selling/buying an older EJ powered Forester for the $15-20K this guys has.
I am sure that the Big 3 have pulled the same trick before too. Lots of other manufactures have for sure. Plus it does provide a US based job so I am more than willing to let it this case
You don’t sound so happy there friend... want to drink and fight about it?
yes Yes YES! I really want this to work out for Mahindra. The Roxor is an awesome little vehicle and I hope that this leads to more Mahindras making it Stateside. I would love to have their little truck make it
Don’t forget the fact that Mahindra actually has the license to the original Willys Jeep and has had that license for a long long time
You know the real reason I think those wheels were stolen? They likely weren’t chrome and were, therefore, wheels people actually, you know, want and value. If you were offended by that joke, please fill out your grievance on the back of a 100 dollar bill and then promptly light it on fire.