
I should just dismiss you as you basically dismissed any of what I said. Look inward because YOU are projecting here. The only one lacking empathy here is you.

Glad that they have planned and it is a justifiable fear

Then they need to plan ahead if their adult child is that far on the spectrum. They need to find a laywer that does “Adult Adaptions” as well as ask for references to programs in their state that are meant exactly for this situation. Basically the idea would be to set things up so that when they pass he will be a ward

I’m hoping that the GOP, as it is now, does not even exist in 2024 or has been finally so shamed that only the remaining true hard assholes still cling to the name. I know, I know, I’m drunk and day dreaming but damn it I can dream

And you must be his specific brand of Christian Yokel is my expectation.

I can see that happening before a new 944 since the Panamera exists and would be a good base to work from. Shorten it and way we go.

Chevy turned the Blazer into something less than even just a soccer van

Stef, how do we get trick talk Porsche into making a modern 944?

Cool, keep telling everyone that these are terrible like the early water cooled cars. That way I can afford one of these sooner than later

NO! Do not save the evil turtle man. If he wants to go down in flames at the hands of Jon Stewart let him. He is a big turtle and we are all so desperately in need of good news

Glad to hear it. I had to take care of my kid sister and disabled mother because our father passed when she was in 8th grade. That is a life I would not wish on anyone.

That lucky and not possible these days. The mailed ones have to be sealed and embossed to be accepted. The transcript also has to be mailed directly from the school. The student is to have zero part of the process

It is online now and you put in school codes. So it is the same but slightly different. I’ve never heard of that being part of the duties of the school in anyway

So are good, some are bad. Some are amazing and feed students and others stop short of eating the students when they missed a meal.

And yet they are still here. There are business models, very unethical ones, that are made to work this way. The point is to appear to operate at a loss while hiding away all the profits so that in the event the whole operation does actually fail they have made a ton of money that is untouchable.

To add to your info because I am one of the crazy people buying hail damaged cars under 2 years old Because it was cheap, I can and if there is more underneath I can fix it. Ugly cars need love too... except the Aztec.

Yup... I’m sure:

Wow, I can appropriate that it exists but I do have balk at that price.

Are you sure? Because a manual is anything but theft protection