
Dear Portland’s sympethetic and concerned,

Glad to hear it is getting a sequel. I wonder who they will follow. Fronteir Setter or Angela and Dingo.

Lots of cursed things end up in museums. It really isn’t something to worry about. The stories make great history but there is always something else going on in reality.

Restored? Heck no. It should be displayed as is.

Interesting but I have to say I will believe it when I see it. That said, I really want this to be true and for the Little Bastard to find its way to a museum.

This taillight and the whole backside looks worlds better than what is on the Miata to me. I like the new Miata except for the ugly lights and sad faced rearend

Dear Concerned Citizen of Portland,

Yep. I had a late 90’s Jetta that I had to do that with for the stock radio. It knew it was gone and the error would make it not pass inspection. Fucking CANBUS in everything

Please stop with the “_____gate” thing for every mishap. It is annoying and just plain stupid.

Nothing short of childish. Makes it harder to take Nascar seriously when this is what I see.

Now playing

Anyone else having flashbacks to playing Condemned? Those freaking mannequins follow you and attack you!

Watch it while you can. There will be a copyright complaint from Nintendo anytime now.

Yeah, it is silly but it is still a fun alterante ending.

The was another great alternate ending that never got past the story board.

To be fair, 85mph is going to be ripping holes in time so you need the big brake lights. I have done this only a couple times and was glad I had brakes ... and brake lights.

True, intelligence is not solely degrees or test scores. When playing around in the world of internet dating we all have to make choices about how we filter people at a quick glance.

Really? If there is something that I find to be a turnoff is a woman without a degree and no interest in getting one. To be fair, I did grow up in a laboratory town.

I am told that I am a shorter guy by OKC and so are you. The women I have interacted with that are vehemently against shorter men seem to believe that 6’ is short and being shorter is absolutely unacceptable. Like myself at 5’10’’.

That is why I included long term. Short term I doubt this saves any money at all and is probably wastefull. Long term... maybe just maybe. Plus Police cars are not cheap to start with. I think I would rather see cops running modded Dual Drive “Tesla 3’s” than a 100K plus Model S’s

My issue with this is $$$$$$$. Is this going to be any cheaper in the short term or long term?