Wave Motion Gun

but now there’s at least one thing you won’t have to pay extra for anymore: A backup camera.

No. I meant it more as a negative. If you want to play this game beyond the first few hours you will probably need to spend some money. So I was warning people.

We’re still paying extra for it. It’s just included in the base price of the vehicle now.

Can people please stop commenting with this comparison in every single article containing Musk? We get it, there’s no need to keep fishing for stars.

I really don’t get the lack of context people consider. If Tesla had never invested in the model 3 or gigafactory, they could be churning a profit with a respectable volume of cars for a luxury automaker, they’ve proven they could do so and the current investments are calculated.

He makes a snarky comment on a phone

No ikaiyoo, that’s not capitalism working fine, see David commentary.

You think this is capitalism and the free market?

The government has a lock on what medicines can be sold here. That really cheap Canadian alternative? It’s not allowed to be sold here. If it were, this would never have happened.

You might want to rethink your definition of “Free Market Capitalism.” It’s a stupid

“seems pretty high for a soccer match”

Now, if only the NFL could bring back the on-field ambulance...

“The aftermath looks brutal.”

So what you are saying is a van got slammed into by an out of control Honda and autonomous controls had nothing to do with the wreck. So I guess Jalopnik is just reporting on local accidents now. Ok, got it.

You know that tax write-offs don’t land more money in your pocket than what you spent to get the write-offs right?

You’re probably not too far off the mark. Word on the street is Univision wants to get out of this area and is looking for purchasers of at least some of its digital media platforms.

The MX-5 is the answer to everything.

What is this shit? I just saw the same article on R&T. Raph are you and Okulski colluding or something? I smell a buy-out of jalopnik from the Univison umbrella. To create a bigly automotive jounalism conglomerate to spread fake facts like the MX-5 is the answer to everything.

Anyone who votes CP should leave Jalopnik forever.

That sounds so much better than I expected it to. Wow.

Hey! Who you callin’ busted?

“No emergency landing was requested.”