Wave Motion Gun

Bryan Erickson, director of AM programming for iHeartMedia Houston, didn’t respond for comment.

As others noted, it’s completely bent in the wrong ways. While I wasn’t able to find what materials he used for it, that car’s after photos aren’t consistent with how a cage is supposed to act.

Upon further review, this take is bad.

No, a good weld is a lot stronger than the base material. First off, most welds are a little thicker than the metal it is welded to. Second off (and more importantly), because of the heat of the welding, the metal is stronger than the base metal and the welding rod is also stronger (for normal steel).

Put fragile goods without any packing material in soft-sided bag, hands off to airline personnel. What could go wrong?

Ya uh.. I totally disagree. I feel like it’s the “Respect all Builds” attitude that made this monster a thing. If the attitude was less like “I’m gonna build something cool, screw the haters” and more I’m gonna consult the car community to make safe choices” then he might’ve accepted criticism of his welds better and

Oh man that would be something, wouldn’t it? I mean the welds were clearly bad, but what if they were even worse than they looked? Interesting idea.

My welds aren’t pretty but when you go to tear them up don’t bother with the sledgehammer, just grab the cutting torch.

Putting your racquets in checked luggage... Monfils’ lowest percentage play of the year.

I’m going with exhaust tubing.

You are a Tennis Pro *allegedly*. How do you not have your livelihood in a hard case?

“ yes the welds might not look like dimes but unless you were born a professional welder i dont want to here it.”

You blamed his death on the car community not embracing him and spoon feeding him safety tips. I didn’t realize he didn’t have access to the goddamn internet.

Nothing wrong with blaming the victim if the victim is at fault.

“im not a profession fabricator to yes the welds might not look like dimes but unless you were born a professional welder i dont want to here it”


I think the picture showing the crashed cart tells you about everything you need to know. Almost every single weld is blown out. Also we are looking at the right side when the car hit the left side. More than likely, he was wearing a belt, but the harness bar was destroyed in he impact.

Well, if you’re a dick you can make any headline sound bad. Also, that is not how quotation marks work.

I met a lady in North Carolina who worked as a cook in Golden Corral. She left her job as an architect in Mexico to cook in a buffet because pay was better and life was better.