DVD Player

Best Buy is turning into Gamestop for its game sections. That's the twist.

I love how the pyro wasn't changed. At all.

Well, seeing as how all profs will turn their nose up at a Wikipedia bibliography entry; I think most people will mostly be skimming the articles but going straight to the resources instead.

Same. I expected good movie-grade heist material. What a let down.

Then it occurred to me: Why waste money on the Ghost Busters when BULLETS can do the trick?

What kind of Bullet Hell let's you see what's going on in the screen?!

At that point, the thought process turns into: "Aw well, already gone this far may as well finish it off."

21. A linked article said so. His age was the big Two-One.

No, this is REALLY how it goes:

Poor? That was actually not bad. At least by the thumbnail. At least you got the panels lined correctly.

Except that most of these (even Nerf:Now) made me laugh or chuckle. Leave your opinions as opinions, mac. They aint fact.

And this is why we don't let you choose the comics.

But that's the whole joke. You don't put the pun at the start of a joke. Do you?

Well, what I mean is that no matter how big, professional, or even good at the industry a company gets it's always possible for something pants-on-head retarded to happen. Something fairly catastrophic.

"Hello can I help you?"

Well, some hunting-shotguns could fire only single shots, not spread-shots. Same with the full-auto shotgun.

Well, if PSN teaches us anything it certainly is possible.

Because 1100$ for an airbook built with severely obsolete specs is a good value?

Dueling Analogs: a lame joke for a lazy strip.