DVD Player

In all do respect, I don't think they had anything more to show that wouldn't have looked like a "seriously? What is wrong with you".

Funny. You complain about the comments here about "kids these days" bashing other games or genres too much and all the wars and BLAH DE BLAH BLAH.

Homeworld 2 is my personal favorite. I just love every bit of it.

Who let David Bowie in?

Now, if only I had enough packets of tea...

THIS JUST IN! Captain Obvious just received a promotion!

Except he has a two-shot that's stronger and more accurate (less projectile arc with higher speed), but breaks on non-entity surfaces.

Besides a total number of members, maybe. Dangit, so close too.

One down, SIX TO GO.

With the fries, that would suck. You get at the crispy awesome outer-layer, but then all you get is hot mushy potato. Taking the experience by degree kind of ruins it with french-fries.

I think what he means is that graphics development has been an upside-down parabola on the chart of graphics vs. time. They got really good, really fast in the earlier years; but now they're starting to slow down exponentially.

To be frank, I'm fine with parent-friendly. I believe a game can be fun, but rated E at the same time (Who woulda guessed).

With excellent first-party games that they are known for?

I'll say here the same thing I said with the Command And Conquer franchise after CnC4. At least it can't get any worse.

you know this comment is supposed to be more satire than actual observation, right? That it's being sarcastic?

Are they sure it's do to interacting with a screen, because if so then "gaming" shouldn't be the only thing that causes this.

"reduced inhibition of inappropriate behavior"

I have no problem in him saying "science is cool", but I really can't take him seriously with that hair-style. Sweep to the side, boy! You look silly with them curtains!

Intelligence is more than just the memorization of facts and formulas. The ability to think logically and critically holds just as much important in one's intelligence as the actual facts you're memorizing; if not more.