
1. What’s the 747 of supercars?

When every kid wanted a hoverboard, I wanted a Rocketeer suit.

Relax, Jonesy, you sold me.

I hope so. Then when their fully automous you could spend roadtrips playing Red October. Trying to identify cars by their engine noise. Electric cars would be catarpiller drives!

Sonar? Model S marine ability confirmed!

a suburban gettin 55mpg.........HA! gm could make an all electric suburban and it still somehow get less than 55mpg because suburban!

Probably OS/2 Warp. Not joking.

Or that he refers to them as associates, business partners or other more above board and important titles to her and doesn’t want ruin the illusion.

Thanks Obama!

Oh you bad person. You know that we are technically officially not supposed to weaponize space. We will probably put up a, uh, slightly overbuilt laser altimeter designed to pass ‘though’ wildlife or small aircraft that get in the way of its official altimeter functions.

I don’t mind. Most people are getting so fat they should walk a few extra yards anyway.

Hmmmmm ... Looks like it was written by a known mysoginist with anger management issues and abnormally tiny hands!!!

Curling and the Opening Ceremony are pretty much the only reasons I watch the Winter Olympics. I have zero interest in curling at other times, but when the Olympics come around I’m drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Since curling is usually on late late at night, it really does burn me in a way. I become a curling

Here’s a guy who clearly gives a damn.

Musk then tweeted:

Are we in a ever-increasing seat height position race? People like being able to see over the cars infront of them, but if everyone has crossovers, then we are back to square 1. Personally I think we should all be driving go-karts for commuting. Zero safety equipment, ultimate accountability and there is no seat


I hope that Amazon truly is cracking down on fake reviews, but I have reason to doubt it. Here’s why:

I am disappointed by this article, and perceive it as marginalization and a slight.