
@BLToday: They didn't do that to be clever...

@jdale: Yeah, I was at first hesitant to bump it up to 1ghz but the diference is awesome and so far my phone actually seems to run cooler and the battery lasts longer. If you have preware you can install it straight from there.

The Palm community has a similar setup (except ours is free) for over clocking. My favorite setup is a screen state setting though where you can have it set to run blazing fast with the screen on and then run at a normal speed with it off. Personally that has resulted in the best balance of blazing performance and

@CaptMorgan74: Either that or his kid got a hold of the keys...

I have actually always wondered about this very thing. In my mind I'm constantly thinking in words and I can only imagine how strange it would be to think in another language.

@PamelaFlying fox: I was about to post the exact same. It's WebOS that makes the Pre an awesome phone... definately not it's hardware.

I vote other... I have been and will continue to hold out for a WebOs Tablet.

@Mack41: No that's correct the prototyping facility comes with a bunch of prototype cars... granted they are just scaled down models but still a 1:2 or 1:4 scale prototype Cadillacs would be pretty awesome, although not quite as awesome as full size running driving ones.

@Derong Ye: For Sears Craftsman hand tools the warranty applies as long as the tool exists... They don't ask for reciepts or anything like that. You bring them a broken Craftsman tool and they give you a new one, no questions asked... Well sometimes they ask but I think that is more out of morbid curiousity... "how

@mouche: Actually here in the States we have had these for a while too. I remember riding one of these around in a K-Mart back when I was in high school about 10 years ago.

@dandaman247: The truly sad thing is that they only exist because there are actually people out there that feel the need to buy them.

Yeah Harriers are heavy!

@tineras: I know I would! Lol

@Captian_Caveman: It appears to be Double post day here on Gawker...

Ok I have to admit this thing screamed CP when I read the title and saw $3500 for a baja... but as soon as that Picture of it's rear loaded I went ok that's not a VW engine! I knew it had to be something exciting. And as the former owner of a tired old red Baja Bug if I had the cash I'd probably snap this one up in a

Ok I have to admit this thing screamed CP when I read the title and saw $3500 for a baja... but as soon as that Picture of it's rear loaded I went ok that's not a VW engine! I knew it had to be something exciting. And as the former owner of a tired old red Baja Bug if I had the cash I'd probably snap this one up in a

@Skink: Not sure where you live but reading your story reminded me of a truck that I had seen for sale locally not too long ago...

@JacquesAss: I was going to post the same thing. That pic actually made me LOL

@grumblecake: Back when I used to work in the shipyard I would ocasionally find rolls of red tape laying around on ships. I would usually snap them up and that was probably some of the greatest duct tape that I had ever used. Later I found out that it was actually Nuclear rated duct tape. I would love to get my hands