
That type of thought is what every iPad hater and others with no vision were spouting a year and a half ago. You're crazy if you think it's just a TV with built in iTunes/ATV. ATV already accomplishes that - it will certainly be different...somehow.

They pretty much own the world, so they're pointing right back at us, laughing (well, the government at least).

You talkin' about Angry Birds?

Japan waged war all over Asia in the 30s and brought their imperialistic bullshit to us...which drug us into the war. Why should we give them oil when their unchecked aggression was wreaking havoc in Asia???? Really, should we have just continued to allow them to be assholes?

I wasn't talking about solar energy as a concept. I was specifically referring to the solar charger... it's not really a green device at all, nor is it cost-beneficial.

The Nazis were the bad guys. It's quite a tall order to paint them as anything OTHER than "bad."


Way to take a civil thread and inject a dose of 'asswipe' into it.

True, you make good points. Question for ya (and I promise I'm not trolling): Has there every been a study or whatnot about the carbon cost of the manufacturing of these things compared to charging devices via the normal way?

Being that this system is being marketed towards the Green demographic, I don't know how many people actually *need* to charge their devices out in the sun. I just wonder how green the process of making the plastic, mining the copper, or making the battery is.. and balancing that against whether we actually have a

I never said anything was an excuse or not...things just are what they are, and if you don't believe in the concept of atonement, well, that's a shame for you. Either way, this is a stupid thread.. take your bitterness somewhere else.

A 21 year old genius / idiot, that's who. I sure hope my life isn't defined by the mistakes I made when I was 21. The most important component of this thread is Lisa Jobs - she loved her father and they had a great relationship.

Quantify it, please. How much of the 1 degree bump is man's fault, and how much is Sun/Earth's fault?

It's an added step between the sale of crack and a dollar bill for a drug dealer, but presumably it's a way to increase crack's profit margin..I can't imagine a dealer giving some junkie the copper's current spot price.

As long as the space allocation in economy is the same as other planes, I don't care how fuel efficient or cheap it is. In the reality of being in that cramped seat, it's gonna suck just the same.

That's a crappy comment. He had his daughter when he was 21, initially denied her, but within a few years started slowly developing a relationship with her. The relationship grew over time, and they became close by the time she reached adulthood. Nobody is perfect.

You have a gift for hand-wringing hysterical hyperbole. You're spouting brochure platitudes and your 2nd paragraph is just dumb sillytalk. You simply cannot tell me how much man has contributed to a 1 degree bump in global temps. You can't do it, cause it hasn't been quantified. I would love to hear you explain

I am certainly a fan of renewable energy. BTW, great response, much appreciated. The only thing that concerns me is the practicality of it.. we just cannot produce enough energy via solar and whatnot to keep up with demand. Right now, we can mirror up an enormous chunk of the desert and only generate several 10s of

We are shutting down coal/gas/oil electric plants every day, with no practical replacement..we're building new nuke plants at a snail's pace. We have a bare bones oil refinement capability, quadrupled the cost of light bulbs (that have a poisonous element in them). We're beholden to a terror filled region of the

Dude, learn to read. You cannot quantify how much impact man has had on the increase in global temperatures. You have anecdotal evidence..a melted glacier or a tire factory..but none of that factors in solar activity in concert with naturally occurring phenomena (volcanos and such). What you don't have is data.