The extent that man's responsible for the global warming has NOT been determined..not even close. The onerous regulation and red-tape that's cropped up due to an unproven assertion has devastated this country's energy potential.
The extent that man's responsible for the global warming has NOT been determined..not even close. The onerous regulation and red-tape that's cropped up due to an unproven assertion has devastated this country's energy potential.
I asked her that..she promptly replied that the current barometric pressure where I live is 29.27inHg.
Shouldn't there be plenty of room in a phone with a 4.65" screen? Galaxy Nexus essentially has the same specs as an iPhone (yeah yeah, whatever..the difference ain't thaaaat different), yet the iP is much smaller. I think the barometer came to be in this phone *because* there is extra room.
He didn't steal a liver or jump in line. You either don't know what you're talking about or you're just an asshole. I tend to think you're just a bitter asshole, and it doesnt really matter if we're talking about Steve's liver or not. Steve used the system to his advantage, something all of us would do if we had…
My uncle withered away from cancer in a very similar way to Steve. Having seen that firsthand, if Steve called the day before he passed, his voice would've been weak, breathing would've been difficult, and it almost certainly would not have been a professionally coherent call. I hate it for both Steve AND's…
That's the best summation of Apple research that I've read. I'd give you a star if I had one to give.
A very fortunate thing that the 9th of Av in 1883 wasn't a calamitous day at all.
This test is like pushing a female german bodybuilder off a ten foot ledge...and then doing the same to Gisele.
Every driver knows that when they wedge themselves into the cockpit, it may be for the last time. It's an unfortunate part of auto racing, and there is simply no way to guarantee against death, no matter how 'safe' the car. All this talk of banning open wheel racing on oval tracks is just silly talk.
As long as the Flea Party has their 1%er sugar daddies footing the bill..more of this stupidity will continue. Want to blame somebody? How bout starting will the people who enable the so called 1%. Oh, hello Congress! But nah, that would make too much sense.
Aside from your aside..what this says about this Apple store is even if you're a celebrity, you're not cutting in line. So to upscale this specific event to society at says good things.
I like seeing the big spectacle movies on a huge screen with the big sound, so I'd be more likely to torrent (if I ever partook in such an illegal and obviously immoral act) the smaller releases that I didn't want to spend movie theater money on.
I just asked Siri that question.
I receive cell service that I pay for in exchange for that 199 price. I get it that the price is subsidized, but I have no plans on jumping off of the AT&T train.
Somebody help me if I buy a movie on the iPad through iTunes, it's backed up via the cloud, however the movie still physically lives on the iPad. Great, I got that. However also through the Cloud, that movie should also be made available through my iTunes on my Mac AND on my other iOS devices also? …
Just like when we spend $50 on an Xbox game (which may actually cost $1 for that box / disc), we're buying an experience, and a smart phone is sort of the same... a certain level of speed and user experience combined with a design that strikes our eye. Also, that $199 4S that I just bought will still be worth the…
I'm callin' a hoax. The hairlines look different... ol' lady has a pronounced widow's peak.
I understand that, but this seems like a no-decision decision. Determine the validity of patents, THEN rule whether or not an infringement happened...cause that's the whole basis for Apple's case.
So I read the linked article and this judge's decision is confusing. Sammy is infringing on patents which may or may not have any validity? Shouldn't she determine whether the patents that Samsung violated are even valid? Did Apple cite fraudulent patents in their lawsuit? What the hell, your honor!! Sheesh.