You don't need a lot of visibility to push play on an iPod, and even less to then bob your head for the next 2 hours.
You don't need a lot of visibility to push play on an iPod, and even less to then bob your head for the next 2 hours.
Yeah, almost as bad as when Avril Lavigne introduced David Bowie by pronouncing the 'Bow' like Bow-wow. Stevie is the man!
I don't believe it's an either / or situation, so yes, they can do it, and in fact China is making some good moves. Without getting crazy about it, humans have a responsibility to protect those who are unable to protect themselves...and a large part of their destruction has also been due to poaching.
I read a book on the battle of many grenades were being tossed around that both sides started covering windows and such with chicken wire so they'd bounce off. That is, until grenades started being covered with hooks. It was a nasty nasty siege.
Were Bald Eagles supposed to go extinct cause DDT was making them all go sterile? No. This is a simple fix..don't destroy an animal's natural habitat. China's environmental track record is horrible, and I'm no Greenie, but c'mon.
Somewhere, Paul Ryan is trying to figure out how to solve the nation's economic crisis that Obama, while not getting us into, has done everything in his power to exacerbate.
It must suck to have existed for millions of years only to have your habitat all but destroyed. It's a shame that the Panda isn't cut some fucking slack with it's shortcomings.
The greenest building on the planet is an existing structure (not requiring thousands of tons of new raw materials to be mined, processed and shipped) renovated to meet the latest 'green' standards.
Most of them have a self-destruct timer - at a typical range from a target (<300ish meters) it doesn't matter. If the round misses, it'll normally fly out 800m or so before it explodes.
Well I'm sure you do care!! Cause really, if you didn't, it totally would make no sense why you clicked on a post you don't care about and took the time to comment.
Patriots tickets start at $50, buy a ticket and go! Don't over-analyze it - going to a football game, whether college or pro, is a great time.
No player in the league would trade a loud stadium for reduced ticket prices. Bart Scott is a very wealthy man due to the 'common' man being priced out of going to a game.
Maybe they could rent out a couple floors for the next Supermax prison...this building is boss.
A home, I guess, is a building, but not in the sense that a hotel is a building. The size is what makes it unique (that's what she said??).
You can't really mention Teahupoo in one breath without mentioning Laird Hamilton in the next - he rode what's considered the greatest wave in the history of surfing there.
Agreed, but it's in bad taste to photograph and distribute worldwide a person in their final days of a prolonged, and ultimately unsuccessful, battle against cancer.
It is so epically sad to watch somebody wither away..I had to watch my uncle's failed battle with colon cancer, so I have some idea what Steve's family must be going through. Damn.
Screw the idiots on the beach - if they're dumb enough to build sandcastles while a hurricane blows through, then they get exactly what they deserve - the rush of a lifetime or death.
Damn dude, you're up there! (assuming it's altitude related and you don't live on top of a granite mountain or whatever)
No running shoe should ever be used for 3 years, regardless of price. It's a 100% certainty that the foam would've broke down after even light use over a 3 year period.