Notice my carefully placed hyphen. Damn, did I do it again?
No way. 90% of Apple's consumers don't care if Steve is helming the ship or not. iProducts and Macs will still be for sale tomorrow, and they'll continue to sell. The form factor for the MBA and the iMac is set..all that's required is updating the internals. iPad as well. Tim Cook, by all accounts, is plenty…
Yeah, edit it up, to minimize your lame-ass joke.
I just read a piece where Dick Cheney says he kept a resignation letter in a safe just in case his health took a quick turn south...which makes me wonder if Steve had some sort of mechanism like that in place. He must be in a bad place now, which is sad.
The man is a tech legend - best wishes going forward, Steve.
Jon Ive was hired by Apple in 1992. He was promoted in 1997.
Cause there's no sound in space?
Assessment, opinion..we can play a semantical game if you want, but it doesn't matter. Ultimately it's a post written by a who could give a shit what you think. To write over 600 words in the comment section BEFORE you tell somebody to lighten up is silliness. Life is too short.
It's just one man's opinion, maybe it's you who needs to lighten up a bit? Samsung, Google, etc..they all look to see what Apple is doing. Very rarely does Apple look to see what the other guys are doing.
Why shouldn't he get paid for putting this together? He's making what appears to be a thorough, professional retrospective of 9/11, delivered on a hugely popular media consumption device...something I have no problem with. Should the New York Times have given away their 9/12 edition free? Did the nightly news for…
If it's only for the gym, just buy a pair of Nike Frees and not look like an idiot.
I can answer that...anything that can be literally unboxed from Best Buy and directly placed on a pedestal is not art.
At 350 - 400 degrees or so in a fryer, it'll prolly pop off - but the bullet really won't go anywhere. The pressure of being contained in the chamber is what propels the round and what you're most likely to find happen is the casing will explode. Think metal firecracker.
I suppose..kinda seems like pondering about the composition of Picasso's paint.
Nah, didn't mean to come of like that, my apologies.
It's not art, sorry. I'm not one of these who takes a narrow definition of the concept of art, but this doesn't qualify. It's simply a hard drive loaded with pirated software. Just because somebody declares something 'art' doesn't make it so. No artistic vision required, no artistic skills required. There's a…
I definitely think that every Macbook is going to lose major tonnage over the next year..but at the same time the thin form factor will limit horsepower to an extent. What if they offered some kind of docking station that you could buy that, when plugged into the computer, added extra processing power / RAM / memory?…
Go read what Steve Jobs actually said when he referred to the Post-PC era..he makes quite a lot of sense.
PETA has a problem with eating meat (har har har), but pounding meat?? Not so much...