If the cop pulls you over, it would appear that you've rolled Snake Eyes and are shit outta luck...
If the cop pulls you over, it would appear that you've rolled Snake Eyes and are shit outta luck...
A stationary person on the side of the road would beg to differ.
Nice attempt to avoid the fact that @utjock12 pointed out that there is little to no evidence that speed cameras save lives or make the roads safer.
And that's a good thing, nobody either wants or wanted to use those heavy pieces of shit. Buy an Otterbox if you want to protect it.
..Speaking of smug dicks. cough ^ cough
Its Friday, So Fuck It...must be a regular segment on Giz, and I nominate Friday as the lucky day.
I'll bet you that if you set up a pepsi-type challenge with frames, nearly all but the most discerning professional couldn't determine the material. Now, I'll also bet you that almost everybody can determine a 30psi difference in tire pressure. Too much is made of frame composition and I don't really think it…
Friggin' United Airlines has to be the most piss-poor airline I've ever flown. The final time I flew with them (I refuse to give them any more of my money) was the longest I've ever been delayed...there was no pilot. Not that the pilot was late or sick or stuck in traffic..there simply was no pilot. All that pales…
Wouldn't it be way less disturbing than Bieber? At least Steve has made valuable contributions to society - his vision, his products, have had an enormous impact. People like Steve Jobs are the kind of people we *should* have adoration for.
I think the cover is ok - it's a book about the man. Yes, it's sometimes hard to separate the man from the company, but still...
As inaccurate as that statement is, that really has nothing to do with anything.
He can never duplicate the con job he pulled in 2008, but you can be sure he'll give it his best shot! I suppose economic issues only affect the battleground states...
Anybody know how many jobs this thing created? Hating on the rich for some vague notion of carbon footprint (which is the left's new answer for hating on the rich's consumption) is just plain silly.
I look at intent and could really care less about the odd spelling error. Commenters down in this thread need to lighten up.
Sigh, It's been said a million times, but if only the assholes who start wars would fight it out between themselves.
I think I drained my car's oil into one of these things.
That's no car, it's a solar powered conference table!
A walled garden within a walled garden? I think you're on to something...
I can personally attest to the winds that came through last night..they were extremely strong. By what rationale do you declare this an engineering failure? This is an outdoor festival-type stage, used the world over for decades.