
Well, they say you can't polish a turd...

The headline and the accompanying pic was the story - right on the front page. Others have said's not a question of whether they have the right to post this, it's whether they should've. Any media outlet who releases content to the public should absolutely consider their followers (to an extent). That's what

I understand the intellectual argument against the death penalty and begrudge nobody for being against it, but it's guys like this douche bag that cause me to support it.

Yes, it is.

Thanks for ruining my day, Casey. I didn't need to see this.

I celebrate the fact that he won't ever plan another 9/11 again. There are some deaths where it's absolutely ok to be happy about. OBL, Hitler, Dahmer... you get the point.

All comments about the relative fragility of iP4 can now cease. Survived a drop from a plane, bitchezzzzzz!!!!!!

I agree. I consider 'wanted' to be a fugitive from justice...bin Laden certainly has to top the list.

So eliminate the DoD? Really?!?

Did Hugh Grant photobomb that pic?

Unlucky? The shooter is one of the fiercest warriors on the entire planet. If some douchebag college aged radical wants to try to take a shot at him...I say have at it.


Who would you nominate if not bin Laden? no part of Anon's statement above did they mention any persecution of Anon specifically. Hell, the statement they released could've been lifted straight out of a GWB speech in the weeks before we invaded Iraq. I stick with my original point, it is very ironic that a hard left group of Anarchists share

But but but Iran didn't attack Anon!!! Quite ironic that they're such big supporters of the Bush Doctrine.

Yeah, that quote is bogus. For that quote to be true, or...for everybody (who ever 'everybody' is) to hold Google to the standard within that quote, the janitor would have access to Google's corporate jet whenever he wants. Signing a code of conduct doesn't mean crap when compared to company benefits..all it means

This is no different than federal contractors having no access to installation commissaries, recreation facilities, or other things that government/military workers have access to. The premise of this guy's investigation is ridiculous.