Or maybe, just maybe, making a white phone was more difficult than they anticipated....cause I'm sure they didn't have numerous engineers and other techie types (who are among the best in their professions) working on this issue.
Or maybe, just maybe, making a white phone was more difficult than they anticipated....cause I'm sure they didn't have numerous engineers and other techie types (who are among the best in their professions) working on this issue.
To my eye it appears as if the thickness is the same, except for the top panel, which I assume is the screen.
I agree. I was just saying that it wouldn't necessarily matter either way for Apple to push the release date of iP5 back a few months just so they could sell white iP4. Now that the white process is solved, I bet they're gonna crank up manufacturing of the iP5 veeery soon.
I'm not sure it matters either way that the white iP4 is out so soon to the traditional release date. They seemingly have the white manufacturing process down...so they sell what they sell of the iP4, and pick right up when the white iP5 comes out.
This reminds me of Dante's logic from Clerks...
Let that doucher pull out an iPad at a Hank3 concert...
I agree with you 100%. Apparently Apple has been pouring a lot of money into battery research..hopefully they can come up with something. Hell, it doesn't have to be Apple, I just want a breakthrough, dammit!
Restrepo (and his companion book, Infidel) was an inspired period of journalistic brilliance for Tim Hetherington.
Are you sure? I know they were tossing around ideas for multiple temporary structures, but decided on a permanent building, which became the Pentagon.
Really? Do you seriously not understand what's meant by 'temporary', or are you just being difficult and going out of your way to criticize?
Aaah, Knoxville...those were the days...
Oh for sure, I'm not knocking it at all. I have no issues with Android, I just prefer iOS devices..or any other device designed in Cupertino.
And me..I promise I won't attack you.
The DShK is a nasty weapon, and a workhorse for the bad guys in Afghanistan, so it's no major knock against the Libyan separatists that they have them. But on a larger note, the paralysis and indecision on our administration is soooo comforting.
Meh, Android is on a ton of phones..it's the same thing as that ridiculous MS vs. Apple argument.
Whether it be genius or just an original idea...that singular focus and drive is extremely uncommon. Nothing or nobody will stand in their way of executing a vision.
So the popular opinion among Apple haters in the last couple months is iPhone's sales have dipped..that seems to be dispelled. Also, I'm curious to see how the current iPad sales numbers compare to the quarter previous to the holiday (Q4 2010?).
From all that's leaked out about Zuckerberg, it seems that that little smarmy bastard takes the cake.
There was a lot less douchebaggery involved with the founding of Apple than MS or Facebook.
Are you sure about that? I'm not saying you're wrong, but IIRC, simple speeding wouldn't fall under a warrantless search exemptions, and especially a trunk, because the driver or occupants have no access to a trunk to alter/destroy any evidence or aid in an escape. See Knowles v Iowa