The police must have probable cause that the plain sight item is evidence in a crime.
The police must have probable cause that the plain sight item is evidence in a crime.
So you believe the police should be able to pull you over for nothing and then take your phone and download everything on it? I urge you to read the 4th amendment of the US Constitution. If the po-po wants what's on my phone, they're free to go see a judge and try to get a warrant.
No. Just because I'm not doing anything wrong doesn't give the police the right to digitally rape me.
I think the geocaching community is pushing it by going nuclear.
Oh I admit my fanboyedness. It's not about the form factor, comments that reflect that are just missing the point. Look at a side-by-side comparison of the looks to me like Apple has a serious case. Too many resources are devoted to developing this stuff to allow a 3rd party to just come along and rip it…
You obviously have no clue what you're talking about, otherwise you wouldn't have made such an irrelevant comparison.
With the resources that Sammy has, let them create their own damn interface without having to rip off Apple at every turn. Sheesh, one would think at least 1 Samsung engineer/designer would have a speck of creativity.
No. If an enemy compound is targeted in the middle of a city, the railgun will have to be aimed much like artillery is aimed, since line-of-sight is extremely limited in an urban setting. I imagine the range of a railgun will be at least a few hundred miles or so.
That's essentially what a sniper rifle is, an extremely accurate missile launcher (depending on how you define the word 'missile'. Obviously there is no rifled barrel with a railgun though.
We would be better off dumping spent nuke fuel into a deep ocean trench.
I use sabot rounds in my 12 gauge for deer gun season...they certainly make for a more accurate weapon. One thing though, very few places have a 4 mile line of sight from the ground. This weapon will probably be fired at infrastructure, so to allow for an angled shot, the stand off distance is going to be incredible.
It's a product launch, what's the big deal? I'm quite sure that the publicity for the announcement for the cure for cancer will dwarf any shoe release. get the stability out of the Kobes (and the Adidas also, but they're not out yet) or the Hyperfuses while keeping the weight so low is incredible. I wish Giz would write more articles on shoe tech, cause it's ridiculous right now. It's also a popular myth that hi-tops protect the ankle better than low-tops,…
So they would lose $25 million dollars on the sale of 1 million ad-supported Kindles. Does anybody know what kind of rates they could charge, umm Buick, to place an ad on all these devices? I wonder how quickly this is going to turn into a cash cow for Amazon.
Feminists who take it to that level pretty much suck.
They wouldn't need to pressurize the would be like flying from New York to Denver..the overwhelming majority of people would suffer no ill effects (other than mild shortness of breath during physical exertion).
There's something vaguely phallic about that picture...
The killer would probably be better suited to watching The Wire. That show is undoubtedly the most realistic cop show ever made.