
So your drink slides right down into your seat, where it now looks like you pissed yourself.

Dr. Gerald Lambeau approves.

My CDC is civilian operated, and they're open on Monday.

The most bloat in our budget by far is non-discretionary spending, ie social security and medicare. They're both, especially medicare, are money sucking black holes.

I worked at a Best Buy during college, and I can tell you that employees certainly do abuse this policy. Back then the cell phone trade-in policy was abused to the point where at my store the general manager suspended employees from trading in cell phones.

Did you even read any of the linked articles? Almost everything you wrote is completely incorrect.

You don't need a hazmat suit to protect against radioactive contamination. I've worked multiple refueling outages, and all you're going for is to keep from getting 'crapped up.' The suits above are quite suited for this. When I was in the containment, I only wore safety glasses, but not due to any radiological

This post is a little write that our country's vital science operations are being suspended, but then write that vital science operations are being maintained during a agriculture, LLNL, Sandia.

Even though every body will long be gone from the garbage due to decomposition and fish...what would you call it? Floating/Traveling tomb? 'Sensitivity' comments are getting a little out of hand lately.

When it's ready?!?!?!? If Honeycomb is on the market, and Motorola and Google are wanting you to spend hundreds of dollars on the Xoom, it's ready. Why else would Google release Honeycomb to Motorola? Something stinks here.

Ugh, lately Volunteer orange HAS been 'burnt' orange...

On any given subject, is it possible for everybody to agree? Declaring something safe is a function of testing, past performance, validation, etc.

So you sourced the Union of Concerned Scientists? A group that advocates green energy over nuke? Conflict of interest / anti-nuke agenda much?

If anything the media has been understating the devestation at that plant. They're gonna have to scrap the entire plant, a process that'll take a couple decades. I agree with your first paragraph though.

$130 for just a radio, ouch. You're better off getting a $20 radio...unless you're the type of person who carries the concept of form over function to an extreme level.

What would this mean for making iP5 thinner than iP4?

Right, but in no way was this about Apple. The European Union was also mentioned..I guess a dissection of everything the EU does wrong would also be appropriate in the comments also? Umm No.

Nice job bringing Apple into a MS/GOOG article, troll.

Oh, the rich irony of Microsoft accusing somebody else of anti-competitiveness.

I grew up using typewriters, and I don't miss them one bit. Some things deserve to be romanticized, but not typewriters.