
@ARP: Riiiight, here comes the 'spend $$$ to rent a car because your brand new $40k electric POS can't go more than 1.5 hours from your house without a 6-8 hour pit-stop.'

@_Stormin: You're not the only one pissed about this. It's a horrible waste of money.

@kyre: Of course it's hard to convince somebody to buy an electric car when their ranges are less than 100 miles. From my house in Ohio it would take me over a week to drive to Miami.

@Giggity: The stock piling of weapons is what got the ATF involved...then the FBI. The whole thing was a cluster fuck by the federal government, and specifically, Janet Reno.

@crobson1985: I guess if we could ever simulate the pressures of Jupiter inside of a space craft, we'll be good to go.

So with metallic hydrogen...being that its' under so much pressure means it's also extremely hot, yet it's boiling point is a very low temperature. How could we have solid/metallic hydrogen without extreme pressure? Wouldn't it's boiling point need to be altered? How the fuck is that possible?

@Mooncheez: No, the concept is not new in the western world.

@YuZi: How was I wrong? Is the Hajj a year round event? No. Are they so poor that they can't afford a proper toothbrush? No.

@ashrafisawesome: The Hajj isn't a year round event, and they're no sooo poor as to not get their hands on a proper tooth brush. Both of y'all need to try again.

@Spyrojoe: You all can kiss my Ash if you expect me to use anything other than Oral-B.

This is not a new idea in this country. Visiting Stratford Hall in Virginia (boyhood home of RE Lee), they sold Licorice twig tooth brushes exactly like it at the gift shop. I bought one as a novelty, something like 20 years ago.

@The Lab: Damn you're dense. This thread is over. Go on hating Vick, it doesn't really matter. Go troll somebody else.

Taurus overreached big time with that gun, it's the Judge Defender instead.

@The Lab: What I'm getting at, which you have a hard time grasping, is the impact to his life as a result of his fighting dogs was so much greater than other celebrities who have literally killed another human being. This fact cannot be argued, so don't even try.

@Mazzani: If they pay their debt to society as determined by a judge and a jury, then yes, we should give them a chance to turn their lives around. I'm glad you agree!

@The Lab: When did I say he was martyred? All I said was no celebrity has paid more for less...and for that I guess I need major psychiatric help.

@brijazz: He's made a career of ridiculing and mocking anything he doesn't understand.

@Arken: When did I ever say it wasn't horrible? Doing less means just that..doing less. Fighting dogs < Harm against humans. There are plenty of examples of famous people hurting other people and getting a comparative slap on the wrist. Need I name them?

@Arken: He was in jail for 19 months, and lost all his endorsements, totaling over $100,000,000. No celebrity has paid more for doing less than Michael Vick.

I've been a big fan of Michael Vick for's great to see that he turned his life around and will be representing the NFC at the pro-bowl.