@ARP: Riiiight, here comes the 'spend $$$ to rent a car because your brand new $40k electric POS can't go more than 1.5 hours from your house without a 6-8 hour pit-stop.'
@ARP: Riiiight, here comes the 'spend $$$ to rent a car because your brand new $40k electric POS can't go more than 1.5 hours from your house without a 6-8 hour pit-stop.'
@_Stormin: You're not the only one pissed about this. It's a horrible waste of money.
@kyre: Of course it's hard to convince somebody to buy an electric car when their ranges are less than 100 miles. From my house in Ohio it would take me over a week to drive to Miami.
@Giggity: The stock piling of weapons is what got the ATF involved...then the FBI. The whole thing was a cluster fuck by the federal government, and specifically, Janet Reno.
@crobson1985: I guess if we could ever simulate the pressures of Jupiter inside of a space craft, we'll be good to go.
So with metallic hydrogen...being that its' under so much pressure means it's also extremely hot, yet it's boiling point is a very low temperature. How could we have solid/metallic hydrogen without extreme pressure? Wouldn't it's boiling point need to be altered? How the fuck is that possible?
@Mooncheez: No, the concept is not new in the western world.
@YuZi: How was I wrong? Is the Hajj a year round event? No. Are they so poor that they can't afford a proper toothbrush? No.
@ashrafisawesome: The Hajj isn't a year round event, and they're no sooo poor as to not get their hands on a proper tooth brush. Both of y'all need to try again.
@Spyrojoe: You all can kiss my Ash if you expect me to use anything other than Oral-B.
This is not a new idea in this country. Visiting Stratford Hall in Virginia (boyhood home of RE Lee), they sold Licorice twig tooth brushes exactly like it at the gift shop. I bought one as a novelty, something like 20 years ago.
@The Lab: Damn you're dense. This thread is over. Go on hating Vick, it doesn't really matter. Go troll somebody else.
@The Lab: What I'm getting at, which you have a hard time grasping, is the impact to his life as a result of his fighting dogs was so much greater than other celebrities who have literally killed another human being. This fact cannot be argued, so don't even try.
@Mazzani: If they pay their debt to society as determined by a judge and a jury, then yes, we should give them a chance to turn their lives around. I'm glad you agree!
@The Lab: When did I say he was martyred? All I said was no celebrity has paid more for less...and for that I guess I need major psychiatric help.
@brijazz: He's made a career of ridiculing and mocking anything he doesn't understand.
@Arken: When did I ever say it wasn't horrible? Doing less means just that..doing less. Fighting dogs < Harm against humans. There are plenty of examples of famous people hurting other people and getting a comparative slap on the wrist. Need I name them?
@Arken: He was in jail for 19 months, and lost all his endorsements, totaling over $100,000,000. No celebrity has paid more for doing less than Michael Vick.
I've been a big fan of Michael Vick for years..it's great to see that he turned his life around and will be representing the NFC at the pro-bowl.