
@PHXPhoto: You have no clue whether he is remorseful or not.

@tomatO_-: Good idea, but that's probably the worst handgun to carry.

@Fossa: I totally get the concept of barefoot running and why it's more beneficial than running in some shitty Air Max, but having lifestyle VFFs doesn't make much sense from a health standpoint. It makes perfect sense for Vibram from a economic standpoint though. People want more casual options, and I can't fault

There is so much going on with that top pic that it's almost hard for me to process. I've never seen this before, but damn it's incredible.

@sydcinema: I'm generally with ya, but what most people don't realize is that heavily cushioned running shoes suck...they encourage a heavy heel strike. Bad. I just don't feel like learning how to barefoot run, so I'll stick with my LunarGlides and minimize the heel strike.

When does the spirit of what the five-fingers were intended to be get lost? Seems that adding thick soles, insulation, and whatnot, sort of dilutes the concept...even though there are still individual toe cut-outs.

I'll be honest, I have no clue if that's a black hole or not, so I suppose I'll just have to take their word for it.

A story combining Knoxville AND the iPad??? You've made my day!

@The Lab: If comments such as mine do anything to erode the minuscule levels of public support for banning Happy Meals..I say YAY!!!

@The Lab: There's one in every thread...

@freedo50: Along the Atlantic in western Europe? Likely no, considering The Allies didn't even land in Western Europe until 1944.

@seanism: What kind of things are you looking for?

As an unapologetic Apple fanboy, I really hope these other tablets give iPad a run for their money.

@Nick Burns, Your Company's Computer Guy: A lot were heavily damaged, but to use the amount of materiel needed to destroy that much reinforced concrete would have been counterproductive to the continuing push through Europe.

Doesn't seem like it'll let a lot of light through.

@Wittyname: That's a great point, I tend to forget that iPad is creeping more and more beyond home uses.

@Anachronism: Yeah, I think it's almost pointless, and I don't see Apple including it.