@OtherTimes: So no government secrets at all? Are you seriously suggesting that?
@OtherTimes: So no government secrets at all? Are you seriously suggesting that?
This has done incredible harm to the US. If our diplomats and other officials can't hold privileged talks with their foreign counterparts, and if those counterparts can't trust us to keep what they say in confidence, then we all suffer. Also, if US diplomat X can't/won't offer an honest assessment cause they're…
@jetRink: I imagine there may be some attrition, especially if he is filming on location. Maybe this will be part of Weta's inventory from now on?
Jackson is using the -right- technology here, and don't forget, he has Weta Digital in his back pocket. Dude was born to adapt Tolkien to the silver screen.
@hhumbert: Uh, what the hell does GW have to do with any of this, he's not president anymore. Pointing out one wrong does not excuse further wrongs.
I'm pretty sure this isn't Change We Can Believe In, and this is yet another example of the notion that we have the government that we deserve. 2012 can't get here fast enough...the clown that poses as the head of our executive branch is a walking breathing reminder of the dangers of groupthink run amok.
I heard she moonlights as a TSA administrator
@Geoffrey Worling: I was simply asking the top poster if handcuffing passengers is cool with him, cause he said we should just submit to every stupid rule that TSA comes up with. These dumb groping / screenings are ineffective reactionary symbolic safety measures that do not make us safer at all.
@WestwoodDenizen: That wasn't what the top poster was implying.
@MarianHamjam: No, if you opt out of scanning/groping you will be arrested and fined up to $11,000.
@anitesh.jaswal: So if they decide to handcuff passengers, should we roll over for that as well?
@TufLuck: We should adopt the Israeli airport security practices...
I know you're not so naive to believe that this media public outcry has been fueled by inquiries to our local congressman's office. This firestorm and all the press and public outcry is nearly all derived at an airport's security checkpoint.
@SkipErnst: Sure, if you're willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to beat the record, have at it.
@CommentStalker: Trust, like GPS satellites? No irony at all in your statement.
@aidman: A net worth into the billions will do that over time.
@FriedPeeps: Except Apple doesn't claim to use recycled aluminum. They just claim to use high quality aluminum that's desirable to recyclers. There is nothing green about using non-recycled aluminum.
@FriedPeeps: Since when did Aluminum become green? The mining / refining process is incredibly filthy.
@gnomeholes: I fully agree. All things being equal, why would Apple NOT be thrilled to have the biggest band of all time finally on iTunes?
@G0RF: Yeah, but if he touches my junk, he's gettin' a smack.