@tonym94: Jeez man, look at the impact that Richard Branson's business have had. To think that he doesn't work is laughable. What would you have them bet? A kidney?
@tonym94: Jeez man, look at the impact that Richard Branson's business have had. To think that he doesn't work is laughable. What would you have them bet? A kidney?
@Dodge2002: iTunes is all about the...tunes, and The Beatles are the most popular band of all time.
So I just read an article at cnn.com that says Beatles music has 15 of the top 50 spots on the iTunes album chart. Wow.
@Sundried: There are several dozen airports in the US that use xray scanners.
@deciBels: Hell, you're the engineer, you should tell me what the conversion is..cause you're sounding like an arrogant, yet ignorant twit. All a millirem is a unit of absorbed radiation, as you should no doubt know (actually maybe not, since being an EE has fuckall to do with health physics). I have some experience…
@deciBels: The dosage somebody picks up from one of these scanners is something like .01 mrem. It's a paltry number...there is absolutely no harm posed from these machines, even for the most frequent of fliers.
@Mark 2000: The average taco and a McDonald's cheeseburger have roughly the same number of calories and fat. Just sayin'.
Get the fuck outta here! Mind. Blown.
@showbiz2: I think it's a soft 'j'
I think this was a planned strategy on Newsome's part, because he has greater political aspirations and he knew full well city council would override his veto.
Watching the movie and this clip and others that are out there, it is still beyond my comprehension level as to how this movie gets made, from a film making standpoint. Incredible.
@Stem_Sell: YES!! Hilarious!!
The 60,ooo radiators you mention have nothing to do with cooling it down.
I guess second place is still cool.
@sneakypoo: The White House?
@aegelman: Too often they're intertwined. Hello, East Anglia!
The top image looks like the top of Doc Brown's head.
@Crrash: There were no doubt plenty of Civil War vets still around at that point. They saw some nasty things also, and in some ways must have been all the more difficult knowing they were shooting at their fellow countrymen.
Thank you for not overdubbing some lousy Coldplay song over this vid.
I don't have the wit as most commenters here, so I'll just say this: it's hideous.