I honestly think it might have been even more benign than that. I think he forgot his son wasn’t “healthy”.
I honestly think it might have been even more benign than that. I think he forgot his son wasn’t “healthy”.
Have some understanding. They weren’t here back in the days of Tracie Egan Morrissey telling people she was too smart to get raped.
Jez being incredibly tone-deaf and talking out of both sides of their mouths?
Oh, I get it: *he’s* terrible, so therefore we call *her* a prostitute. Makes sense.
oh noes she failed an impossible purity test, we’d better eat her
The Post has to point out the actual age of consent to make it clear she is not accusing someone of a legal crime, just a moral one.
With all that money (and friends, it appears), why doesn’t anyone tell her that the best way to get beyond this is NOT to whine about cancel culture, but to simply do some good works? Why didn’t she take the time to meet with Stodden and maybe launch an anti-bullying thing for girls? Or work with teens “in trouble”…
20 years of taking off shoes for an incident that got no one killed.
We really need a cross-carrier “No Fly” list for these idjits, and the FAA needs to make it clear that behaving like a jackass on an airplane will cost you dearly. I’m thinking $25,000 fine for the first offense, plus No Fly for at least a year.
I saw an article that blamed the stress response of the pandemic for a lot of the aggressive behavior lately. We’ve lived a collective trauma, it’s not over, and our society isn’t set up for us to heal from this. People are massively burnt out, and it’s no excuse to be an asshole, but it’s something to consider when…
I consider my day a little bit ruined every time I’m reminded this film exists.
Again, a good point. And thank you for a really good discussion on this, I am enjoying it. But I am thinking that my issue with it all boils down to asylum and refugee status. Are the majority of the people really refugees? I suppose I am framing it as actual war refugees, so it would color my perspective thusly. Are…
There is NO right answer here. We’re still dealing with pandemic. Variants are out there. What the hell was she supposed to say?
Chill out, the problem is she fed her dog milk that had been in the freezer for years. Also, putting breastmilk on this “liquid gold” pedestal where people don’t want to throw it out is weird. Your baby doesn't need it any more? Cool, throw it away and make some room in your freezer. It's milk, it's not magic.
It’s not cruel to tell people the truth.
Um. Have we forgotten we’re in the middle of a fucking global pandemic? What the hell was she supposed to say? “Hey everybody, storm the border! Yeah we can’t process people and our systems are about to collapse but hey, the US has done bad things in the past, so keep on comin!”
And her kids go to public school.
Happy Pride Month everyone? I guess