You forgot the sliding barn doors!
You forgot the sliding barn doors!
I find it funny that you said it is pronounced like the candy because I have heard two different ways to pronounce the candy I actually paused and whispered it outloud. I think I said it the right way?
How to remodel your house according to Magnolia:
The most fascinating thing about them is that they’re objectively bad at what they do, but the masses lap it up.
Two words for all of you people who think this is somehow a new phenomenon for your righteous anger.
Louis CK had a redemption arc? Was it before or after his distinctly incel-ish club appearances where he was all whining about how unfair cancel culture is?
So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.
A hearty fuck you to all the men who downplayed this when AOC detailed her experience. The videos are all round terrifying. But, the sing song threat to Nancy Pelosi highlighted how men use gendered violence to specifically menace women. “Hang Mike Pence” is chilling. But the death threat is directed at him for doing…
I pitted two pounds of cherries once for a cobbler. Never again. I’ll use frozen cherries instead.
I make a mean apple pie but one of my least favorite kitchen tasks is peeling apples. Right behind chopping garlic - I try not to buy single-purpose household items but the garlic press is a life saver.
You gotta get one of those apple peelers/corers/slicers. I have one and can prep an apple crisp for the oven in less than 8 minutes. Also, you can flip down the corer part and use it to peel other things. They’re like $16 online.
As someone who felt empowered to come out and be an example for younger people to be who they are...great.
She seems like an asshole, but she’s right that Hallmark movies shouldn’t automatically be dismissed because of their target audience. They aren’t any more ridiculous than James Bond movies.
DJ Tanner is a Christian Conservative Republican who has some pretty problematic views.
Individual therapy, definitely. Yes. Family therapy? I’m not so sure that’s a good idea in cases of parental abuse.
A few weeks ago, a friend told me that he was thinking of flying over the Christmas holiday to visit his grandmother ... Could the maxim “stay home” apply so neatly to him?
I don’t feel bad about judging people at all during this. When I see a moron walking around the store 9 months into the pandemic with his nose sticking out of the top of his mask, then he deserves to be mentally labeled in my head as a fucking idiot.
I don’t see anyone shaming anyone for going to work. I see people shaming other people for going on vacations, going shopping maskless, and going to clubs/bars. None of which anyone HAS to do. I know this because I’ve managed to not do it in almost a year!! Because being responsible is not limited to people with…
“People who are extra careful can get sick, just as those who are (or appear to be) careless might.”