
Her target audience is six year olds.  Adults aren’t susposed to like her.

Five bucks say her daughter will watch her again.

The big difference is Trump won’t want to try to be likeable

I find myself in the surreal position of defending W., by noting that Trump doesn’t even have the level of empathy it would take to paint terrible animal portraits.

He’ll paint a picture of a dog, and all will be forgotten and forgiven.

I’m amazed they’re having any difficulty at all, TBH.  Give it a few months until organizations figure that everyone’s collective memory spans have forgotten about all of this, and they’ll be hired.  Even with Forbes saying to companies: “if you hire anyone from this administration, we’ll figure everything you say is

Call me a cynic, but I fully expect these assholes to all land on their feet eventually, because the world is unfair and annoyingly kind to mediocre white people.

Congressfolk anxious now about being in the building are reacting normally to a situation like that. Their lives were threatened by people with guns and zip ties and tasers who broke into the building to hurt them. Some people, like Cori Bush, are STIL being threatened. They’re having a reasonable reaction to an

And now he’s the creepy weirdo without a monkey! (I have an ex like that.)

What I don’t understand is why it is why the angle is to paint Yang as out-of-touch, hypocritical, or glib about the issue.

Huh, maybe the advice should be for husbands: “if you don’t know how to cook, time to learn. If you’re adult enough to father a child, you’re adult enough to cook for yourself and your family”.

Oh she’s on cloud 9 right now. She gets to move to Florida and live in a real mansion, not some old, dank museum/office space. She’ll get to travel and get away from that shitbag more often, and no more pretending to care. 

Nope. I said this above. She’s a heinous cow, for sure, but she’s an American citizen. As soon as you start with that bullshit you’re no better than all of their supporters crying that other immigrants aren’t “real Americans”. 

She’s a naturalized citizen - unless they don’t count anymore?

She should tell us more about how her experiences as a hospital executive in Chicago really helped her adjust to the White House.

Give the first Lady a break; last week she was worried about the safety of her two black daughters:

When was this feckless woman ever checked in?

It went missing THREE days before?

“Faulty Algorithms” is the house band at Cal Tech. 

Yeah, he really doesn’t know what it’s “like” because he didn’t get to experience the anticipation of how it will look at the end.