I mean, yes? But as a New Englander, I gotta say...we NEED eight zillion jackets and mittens and scarves.
I mean, yes? But as a New Englander, I gotta say...we NEED eight zillion jackets and mittens and scarves.
On top of a pile of money and privilege, secure in the knowledge that consequences are for the little people.
Yeah, not getting my hopes up since it didn’t take Trump down. But it’d be nice.
Rudy’s got the rona, c’mon 2020, give us one last little treat.
“Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”
She was drunk right?
Why you ask? Because the last I heard Trump and his band of merry jesters have managed to raise over $170 million with their performance of “election fraud.” This latest, over the top performance pretty much cements the fact that this whole thing is nothing but a con to destabilize the country as much as possible…
It’s Joan. She’s somehow managed to build what passes for a career in online media without ever learning about Google.
I just saw that Netflix is going through and changing his name in the credits in older works, too (I think). But I’m not sure about all of it. Interestingly, he’ll keep playing his cisgender female character on The Umbrella Academy.
Finally a more famous trans-person than Caitlin Jenner who can be a better representation for the trans community. Caitlin has done a terrible job and even supported trump, Elliot is a way better spokesperson.
I run a book club for queer teens, and they are currently LOSING THEIR MINDS. Like. Happy tears and talking about role models and god I am *so glad* they have people like Elliot to look up to.
If you’re born on third base, you have no idea how to deal with the first baseman.
I think it’s more the greatest benefits of living in a city have vanished (public transit, relative job proximity, restaurants and nightlife) so they’re trading for living space, particularly outdoor living space.
That’s what I thought? Who sold this idiot a property with an external wood burning stove and told him he could live in it in the winter?
I could read about pampered city folks moving to the country ALL DAY. Give me that sweet sweet schadenfreude.
At this point if I bought a home I’d be paying the mortgage until I die so why not just pay rent and never have to pay out of pocket to replace a water heater or, well, anything? Find a good place to stay with a responsive landlord and it’s gravy.
When tf are people going to learn that *gathering, even distanced and masked, increases your risk of contraction or transmission*? There is NO SUCH THING as a safe, socially distanced gathering!
I don’t understand the “need” (and I use that term sooooo loosely) to get married this year. If it’s for legal or financial reasons, see the JP and have the party next year.
Probably the kid isn’t autistic at all. Just messed up because she has parents that would name a kid Music.