
My cousin was teaching 4th grade when that song came out. She made damn well sure each student could expertly and confidently explain the difference between irony and coincidence. #Hero

The system you described sounds wonderful. Babying is right, like they don’t trust us to be responsible for a small space on our own.

I despise the whole roommate system in general, and think it is a significant source of stress for many college students. A nearly absolute lack of privacy wares on most people. You’d think that universities would start changing their student housing just based on the fact that closet sized singles are frequently more

I’m not arguing amtrak is a perfect alternative, but it is an alternative.

Oh yeah, I’ve occasionally contemplated going via amtrak to visit my parents in the midwest, but 19 hours seems rough. However, I’ve taken the Boston to Washington, DC route frequently and it is so much less stressful than flying, and takes about 7-8 hours.

Oh yeah, Amtrak has huge drawbacks, but in some cases it is an option.

Agreed, but Amtrak is occasionally an option for those not planning on leaving the continent.

“I light a fire every night, obviously because nocturnal temperatures are uncomfortable for those of us who are cold blooded. NO!!! I mean, I  do it because it makes me feel like there’s life around me. I was totally kidding about that other thing.”

You know that eyeroll-worthy phenomenon wherein super dramatic people will send people pictures/video of themselves crying to show how hurt they are? I kinda think that’s what this is. “Hey world, see what you did to me? NOTICE MY SUFFERING.”

Have you tried Amtrak? It’s not always the cheapest travel method, but the seat sizes and leg room are decent in coach. Plus, there’s complimentary wifi and outlets for every row.

I’m not sure if finding out that this movie is “only” 20 makes me feel really old or really young. It came out just before I graduated high school, yet for some reason I remember it being a significant part of my high school pop culture memories. Or maybe it’s just Mike Meyers in general I remember because of Waynes’s

I deeply, intensely, hated him at the start, but inexplicably shifted to just really hating him at.the video’s end. Oh god, is this how they get you?

I worked for years in a daycare that for whatever terrible reason, decided to group classes of 3, 4, and 5 year olds together. The difference between those who just turned 5 and the 5.5 year olds was extremely noticeable. In those few months, they shed off the last remaining remnants of being little kids. It’s like

Another detrimental long term consequence is that the price of child care results in those with lower incomes having to put their kids in kindergarten ASAP, in order to save on childcare costs. Those who don’t have to pay for childcare have the option of delaying kindergarten for kids on the cusp age-wise. Given the

This. I’d be exhausted if I maintained the level of cognitive dissonance that it would take to brush off dozens of allegations.

Also confirmed UMC, now happy atheist attending a Unitarian Universalist church. I gave up in 8th grade after realizing that the teen program was the model of hypocracy. Kids who routinely excluded me because I was an open- minded nonconformist would sit around talking like they had the market cornered on Christian

Their relationship is also chronicled in Lion King 1 1/2, which I very highly recommend.

I actually don’t mind being seated next to a kid. They don’t take up much room, and most of them play on their tablets the entire flight.

I agree. Maybe because he was on SNL during my formative years, but I have a soft spot for him. I am, however, trying to figure out wtf they could possibly have in common.

It’s intriguing. My favorite part is that the general reaction of everyone else around him can be summed up by ‘meh.’