Funny, that’s how elephants feel about you.
Funny, that’s how elephants feel about you.
Ok son of Satan then
not satan, just a fucking moron.
Actually, when sloths need to defecate, they slide down the trunks of trees to the jungle floor and their droppings are proven to be incredibly nutritious for the trees, worms, and surrounding plantlife. Sloths are an important part of a jungle ecosystem.
You are a gigantic asshole.
Fuck you redneck, you will die soon because of cancer, that day I will come to piss on your grave and to spit in the face of your ugly fat girl. Yeah, I was kind to call her a “girl”.
No, no, I’m pretty sure you are. Also is something wrong with your eyesight? Sloths are adorable.
I could say the same thing about 90% of the world’s human population.
you have earned your black belt in troll fu now please go away. p.s. the sloths “survival instincts” have enableled them to be in existence for about 60 million years not too shabby
Just a huge douche bag.
oh fuck off. Not every animal should be helpful to humans. Koalas, pandas, and sloths are obviously needed because nature fucking created them. No animal or human being should ever be round up and gassed.
Nah, sloths are darling.
Well, I’m nobody, but I got more out of this story of a sloth than I did your human-composed response to it, so they’re not totally useless.
Just one of his minions, eh?
If we are using that criteria to kill things off lets start with you.
Right... gassing.
Calm down there, Satan.