
Boring is not a “non-criticism”, but it is the case that more effort could be put into such a critique.

They should have both voted for ‘Parasite’.

please get help

What is the on going obsession with her on Kotaku lately. I'm glad she's out of that abusive relationship and all but do we really need coverage that she randomly got free money and gifts...what purpose does this serve other than to promote her stream?

There’s the part of me that says, “Fuck off, amouranth is a smart business woman and whatever payday she makes is valid and none of your concern”.

And then there’s the part of me that is making Tina Belcher like groans, because said business-woman is a multi-millionaire on the positive end of para-social relationships,

She’s a bikini-squat streamer.  You have to ask?

How many people at Kotaku are on the Amouranth news team?


Cry more

It’s just dehumanizing “sheeple” or Holden Caulfield’s “phonies” repackaged for the 21st century. The NPC term is very online but the narcissism isn’t.

God bless Marlins Man and his cohort for doing the thing every Marlins fan wanted to do but couldn’t.

Dude, missed opportunity! You should have said “You must be fun at fiestas”. You know, because I don’t hate Mexicans.....and fiestas are Mexican parties.....I mean, if it makes you feel better, Fiestas are also a car.

Perhaps we could park this on the border with Mexico. There’s 100' of the trump wall. Bonus, it pretty much sums him up as a person; a warped image of wealth, power and glamour, but ultimately useless.

That makes sense, and would have been good information to include in the article. Much more informative than simply saying “space race victory”.

counterpoint: it is actually super fun to play with your friends

Freaking stoked about Sea of Thieves. Love that it doesn’t have all the grindy mechanics of other open world games like Destiny or The Division. Its all about your teamwork, sailing ability, and natural swashbucklin’ skills.

Been playing Sea of Thieves since the Alpha. It’s really, really good

That guy in the Sony commercial was right, Japanese people are small.

Teddy Valentine is a made up, Hallmark ref.

This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.