
“So we aren’t proposing someone hire a hit man, you see”

I have a stalker!

...but I thought he was a NAZI???

Are most people angry about the President? You might want to look a little outside your bubble of outrage.

This is kind of like the way Obama paved the way for Trump to assassinate American citizens without trial.

Where did I say every rebel is history is a sore loser?

brown people can’t stop rapin’, amiright??? Go away racist troll.

Did you also notice how comparing Trump (who was elected) to a king is silly?

Liberal and conservative butthurt are both delicious.

Trump was elected.

If more Hollywood celebrities criticized Donald Trump and the Republican Party during the election then perhaps we wouldn’t be where we are today.

You have confused “disagreement” with “trolling”.

Fuck off racist troll


You’re not arab. You are a racist troll. As opposed to your racist ideas, brown people are not savages who can’t stop raping.

That’s the kind of worthless response I expected.

lol k

Run along to your KKK meeting, sweet child.

Okay. Facts don’t matter to you. Have a good day.

You should be skeptical of unsupported claims made by the intelligence agencies. The report offers no evidence and is a total farce.