Slopez Island

You’re a fucking retard bro

I approve of this playground taunt. 

Victimized by some actual victims” Surely, the Germans have some cool sounding word for this ironic condition

Data point: it’s also used in No Country For Old Men, set in the early ‘80s.

How’s that going so far?

It’s probably not the nadir of our garbage social media experiment, but it’ll do until the next one gets here

This presidency is uncivil- fuck ‘em. 

The moment he realized he could cut Hillary’s throat with a sharpened (troll-farmed) Bernie, and passively install a leveraged, destabilizing regime.

You are going to just hate it when you get to the chapter on “there, they’re, & their” in your primer.

Everyone is suspect when discussing subjectivity.

“I like blue, and I know that blue is better than yellow”

Excellent, thank you.


At the moment 85 other people get it.

Mean can be funny, but this wasn’t mean. And you’ve confused blithe with humorous in your own posts on the subject. My two cents.

I normally would never say this, but please—please—don’t vote

lol- yeah, no

That beard looks terrible.

Her jimmies appear to be relatively unrustled by the missive.