I think the founding fathers really would’ve liked California. I mean, the viticulture alone... Jefferson would’ve loved that.
I think the founding fathers really would’ve liked California. I mean, the viticulture alone... Jefferson would’ve loved that.
Wasn’t Hillary a hawk for demanding Assad stop bombing his own civilians? Weren’t there sanctions and bombings? Did congress ever approve anything further? Did we really want to spearhead another actual ground war, this time in proxy with Russia? Aren’t our allies in the region – like Turkey – supposed to pull their…
At least incoming Sec’y of State Rex Tillerson will clawback at least a third of the oil money Russia was allowed in exchange for its air support- he knows a few people higher up. It’s not a total loss.
The overflowing diaper he’s managed to smear on the flag is a nice touch.
No thanks, I’d prefer to watch him hang himself.
She personally did? Citation needed. Furthermore- Hillary who? Let’s focus on who is about to ascend, and the litany of well documented moral and ethical trespasses against women, minorities, state and federal coffers, and the less than wealthy in his recent past, never mind what his administration aims to do in its…
Why the fuck am I supposed to take some sort of high road while Trump and his acolytes rape my country? Appeasement is tantamount to endorsement. Just like with children.
Thank you, Neville Chamberlain.
Or maybe you sold your soul when you looked at the preponderance of reasons to not vote for a fraudulent racist moron who will sell out America after lighting it on fire, and pulled the lever anyway.
Beats looking the other way while Trump blows Putin, traitor.
Lol- liberals are da real Nazis, boss! Got a non Macedonian teen Facebook news source to back up any of that bullshit?
Yes, let’s discuss the broad range of enlightening ideas regarding killing abortion doctors, beating up gays, suppressing votes, gutting the middle class, grabbing pussies etc. God, the two world views are just a hairsbreadth apart can’t we all just get along
A false checkered flag you say? Hmmm
Well, you gotta give some to get some in return. Oh well.
Silicon Valley finishing school: where the elite learn to make video games, disrupt the middle class with a deregulated gig economy, or vertically integrate advertising revenue so that Peter Thiel can drink the blood of 10 year olds in his cryogenic meat locker.
Thanks- I never even made it past Pre-Metaphor. Simile 101 was hard enough.
Hammurabai’s dead, man.
Wait- ISIS started Pizzagate? I guess it’s possible, but wait- wut?
Goddamn right.