
Relax. His (her?) point is not that outrageous. Definitely not trollish. If you think trolling means disagreeing with someone you should actually look it up. If comparatively (and due to historical reasons that shows like this can't do much about) there are less women interested in working in those shows, why should

For fairness' sake, how many women (vs men) even apply for these positions? And how do they stack up to their male counterparts in terms of qualifications?

Stupid name, separate entity... I wonder if Hastings just put a "FOR SALE" sign on the delivery business.

You can click a button and have a traditional desktop interface.

Except the end user doesn't need two devices, so it does make a difference.

Oh I got the point, I just thought the original post was disingenuous. In my first reply I was pointing out that reviewers shouldn't overlook ripoffs and inferior products. When PC notebook makers create better and different product (than Apple's) they get praised.

I think this is a cop out, and this attitude will just help laptop makers become more comfortable blatantly biting Apple's design. Sony does their own with Vaios. Lenovo's Thinkpads are different. The newly revealed Razer Blade is also truly original. Nobody would mistake those laptops, which match or exceed Apple's

"Summary: make it better than a Macbook, don't make it shittier or a pale copy."

To be fair, I don't know how it's Apple's fault that Adobe won't/can't make a stable and efficient Flash release (you don't need technical reasons to see that as soon as you open a site with Flash your battery life goes down to 30% and your computer goes into jet mode sound wise. It's not Apple's job to justify

"But so is the MacBook Air, which doesn't even have a fan has a miniscule fan that basically never runs."

How many "buildings" currently hold 12,000 people? Compared to most other companies I'd say they actually put workers closer to each other, if that was even needed.

"Imagine having to get from one side of the campus to the other."

WIndows 8 vs Potato?

Next time you talk about it tell her te same part of the Bible that "forbids" homosexuality also forbids slaves revolting against their masters, women not being subordinate to their husbands and wearing woven cloth (lol). Also, ask her if she'd rather a gay person date/marry her daughter than another guy.

Yeah, except for the stripping part.

No, we should start on him for going after Facebook but not the "caregivers in the institution." This is purely about money.

"An age check, like asking for a passport number would be a simple measure for Facebook to implement."

After you've used the iPad app, you won't ask that question again. Also, did they finally add the Chat feature to the website?

Facing the charges wouldn't prove his innocence in the legal sense, but it might in the public eye, where you do have to prove your innocence, even in "civilized countries" (what the fuck does that even mean).

Nobody said they were angels. But they're still the only people who can decide whether or not someone is "accused," even if you pretend to dismiss their authority. And that's the difference between some rando "accusing" me and me getting charged by the people with the power to do it.