
To be fair, this "trade" only exists because it's illegal (not the other way around). Think about the "alcohol trade" and the Mafia during Prohibition. If cocaine could be made here and sold under government supervision in the countries that buy it there would be no need to import/smuggle it in, and so it wouldn't be

Apple's commercials are some of the most transparent in the industry, in my opinion. They almost seem condescending, until you remember they're targeting them to people who don't yet own their products.

Thank you so fucking much for this. Haiti is honestly not much worse than NYC, with its bad parts and its good parts. I see many foreigners here and they really love the country, very few (if any) of them seem to be living in fear. I was personally born and raised there, I have a 16 year old sister and plenty of

I think Sony has the law on its side, and I don't believe it is ever smart to think you can fight a corporation alone, but there's no reason to destroy this guy's life nonetheless. I seriously doubt he will try this again, so they should drop all charges and/or ask for no more than a few hours of community service. In

If anything they're probably accusing me of not being sensitive enough. This is more than speculating, it's an accusation that encompasses any brown woman, and that itself is racism. She didn't say "I wonder if..." but "what we have here..." as in "that's what they all do, very typical."

Don't get me wrong, I agree with your point. That's actually what I was trying to say, but less clearly I suppose. Superficial to me is not a negative word, it's just the best descriptive we have (to the surface). It only gets the negative connotation if one person wants more and the other wants it to stay there while

I'm still surprised so many people overlooked the "cunt" comment, I expected more from Gawker as well. Especially with so many women in the thread. I suppose racism will always be taken more seriously than sexism, and I don't believe it's right.

Google Chrome. Your Mac's Flash plugin might need updating too.

I suppose we must agree to disagree. I don't think making the same things run faster is a reason enough to juice up specs. It's important to a point (which I think the Nexus S/Droid Charge/iPhone 4 has reached), then it should stop until software demands it. I think that's where you don't agree, so let's leave it at

It's rare, but not even unique. I'll agree if we agree that it's not impossible. Motorola was there also, Netflix, etc.

"and it doesn't look like it will anytime soon."

Then ignore the Hitler part. Point still remains, examples still abound. Good day to you.

I agree 100%. I understand fully well that all of my ex girlfriends were initially attracted to me for a superficial reason, just like I was to them. I don't expect everyone to know my personality/smarts at first sight, that's why I keep myself in shape as well Not moving from that initial stage and using the other

Wow. Well all has been said then. I won't even try to explain how offensive that was, maybe I'm just not sophisticated enough.

I don't think our discussion justifies her behaving like an ass. It is healthy to discuss those matters, but the closer we get to referring to them in the past tense or as theoretical statements the better.

"The study found men who are conspicuous spenders are driven by a desire for uncommitted romantic rendezvous"

"Yes, if the shoe fits, call it."

It's my limited consumer's take on they can turn the company around. Of course there are going to be "ifs," and of course they are not very popular at the moment. That's what I was addressing.

Interesting take. Don't know if it speaks for everyone, but definitely a plausible retelling.